wildone's Profile

Rank: Delta
Country:, Texas
Join Date:18 Apr 2017, 8:02am (7 years, 10 months ago)
Last Seen:
30 Nov 2018, 1:09pm (6 years, 3 months ago)

4399 189 120

About wildone:


Just a small town country boy in Texas, there ain't too much more than that

its not about getting knocked down 7 times, its about getting up 8 times, so stop your whining, grab the bull by the horn and get back up on that saddle.

I can get a little "wild" sometime, but I'd love to be your friend, if you would like to know more about me, there is a Wildone guide you should read down below vv

if you have a crush, idky, but here VV


A little about me)
I live a pretty lucky life with a loving family of 5 sisters, a brother, and 2 lovin parents. I thank god for it everyday. sometimes im left on my knees prayin at high noon, but it all works out in the end, and i'm sorry to all of you that aren't able to have this life. IF YOU ARE EVER NEEDING SOMEONE TO TALK TO, I will always be here to talk you through things. I aint gonna throw stones at you, but instead through you a rope to help you out of any ditch you are in. Instead of looking at what you aint got, think about something you do have and try to be happy from there.

i love you so much baby, you always wanna see me, and it means alot. whether it's seeing me irl on a videocall or cuddling me on wolfhome, I know you will always be waiting for me, and that means alot. although you might not think you are beautiful, you are so amazing lookin and I am never gonna let you get away with denying it. I love you so much baby.

What i'm usually up to)
I usually help out with my grandma since she is going through a tough time in her life, losing her husband... everyone needs someone to talk to, especially grandparents. I also help out at this deal called Shiloh ministries, basically helpin men to get back up on their feet by following Christ. The reason for my belief in Christ is due to the things i have seen go through men's life and change them to help open their eyes to the real world and care about their kids or wives they had hurt in their former part of their lives due to drugs, alcohol abuse, suicide. Gittin themselves into bad jobs like raisin pitbulls for fightin or dealing illegal substances and other trouble given the option of here or prison.These men are truly amazing people and just need a step in the right direction... I also like to play alot on the Xbox1 my gamertag is InsecureTrash8

Amazing friends)

SunHeart: Sunny, there is so much to say about her being the amazing friend that she is. Although she is going through such a tough part in her life, she hardly ever lets anyone it's a problem. This is because of her amazing attitutude that she is astonishingly pulling off all the time. She always takes time out of her day to put aside her troubles and worries to ask me how im doing, not just like, "hru" like you would just say as a greeting, but instead like, "Hey, How are you doing" as if really wondering what's going on your life, she really cares. She is such an amazing friend, showing me that whatever is going on, to suck it up and put a grin on my face and it will work out. Hope we can stay friends for a long, long time.

Seansplash: I would like to start off by saying he is my papi XD. He was one of the very first ones to make me feel welcome on this site and I ain't ever gonna forget that. He's the guy that can make pretty much any of my dark days turn into a stairway to heaven.

HappyHamster427: She ain't just any fish in the sea. For someone that lives up north she is pretty chill. although I ain't known her for very long she has already made such a great impact whether she knows it or not. She is always there with those tiny compliments that can make someones day a just a little bit sweeter, like ice cream in the middle of June. she is starting to make me think covers of songs are better than the real deal. i couldnt believe someone in the city would like country so much, till I met you. P.S. don't jump off that cliff!! XD

Dol: I swear the first thing she asked me was, Do you like Dr. pepper. like what? She thought all Texans like Dr. Pepper XD. although that don't seem to funny I thought it was hilarious. She has been so kind to me since the fist time that I got her and I really don't know what to say other than how thankful I am. She always seems to be happy, giving me no other choice than to be happy as well. Coca Cola is way better than Dr. Pepper.

Pluto: Yes, Finally one of my best buddies livin in the south. She is one of those real country girls. She has a hard life, and I'm glad she has let me in to help her with anything. She is always caring about anything that happens to me. The first person to ask if I was OK in hurricane Harvey. She loves that old country music which is sooooo helpful when talking about music. just gonna say, just cause I might not be on for a couple days don't mean I'm hurt :P

Emeraldfang: She is so kind to me all the time. She asks me how I'm doing every time I get on even if she is in another room. She has so many of her own problems that she should be dealing with, but instead she chooses to take care of others, and this means alot to me. The first coupe of times I'm going to be honest we had tiny conversations but I'm not really sure if I noticed her. and one day she came out asked me if we wanted to be friends, and from then on it has been such a fun ride. Bro, imma have to arrest you for those mordors.

had to take this off my sniff sadly, it was the realest thing I have heard, and ought to be on the internet, but sadly im not allowed, so if you would like to know about what was here... whisper me :3

This is the end of the line, i will give you 3 seconds to get along




Howls (106)

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BlackWolf 6 years, 3 months ago
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wildwolfangel 6 years, 3 months ago
I miss you...
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AshleyWolf 6 years, 4 months ago
thx for saying my art looked amazing <3
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wildone 6 years, 4 months ago
No problem! :D
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KindFurry 6 years, 4 months ago
how long have you been away, it feels like its been a hecking century
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wildwolfangel 6 years, 6 months ago
BABY COME BACK *is running around freaking out*
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SunHeart 6 years, 7 months ago
I'm not on your friends list ;-;
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wildwolfangel 6 years, 7 months ago
Ur your not on :C
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wildone 6 years, 7 months ago
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Happyhamster427 6 years, 7 months ago
❤¸.•*”“*•. ¸❤ ❤¸.•*”“*•. ¸❤ ❤¸.•*”“*•. ¸❤❤¸.•*”“*•. ¸❤
Post this on the walls of the 12 prettiest Wolves you know…
If you get back 5 you’re beautiful. ..
❤¸.•*”“*•. ¸❤ ❤¸.•*”“*•. ¸❤ ❤¸.•*”“*•. ¸❤
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PastelSkyz 6 years, 7 months ago
found a wild texan
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wildone 6 years, 7 months ago
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Deftones 6 years, 8 months ago
[11:58:15 PM] Deftones: gives a Texas-shaped cake
[12:02:44 AM] wildone: WOW
[12:02:59 AM] wildone: stuffs cake into yur mouth
[12:03:09 AM] wildone: lassos you and brings you to Texas
[12:03:46 AM] Deftones: willingly slides along and takes a coyote along the way
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wildone 6 years, 8 months ago
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