Happyhamster427's Profile

Rank: Delta
Country:, New York
Join Date:13 Nov 2016, 9:43am (8 years, 3 months ago)
Last Seen:
25 Nov 2018, 8:18am (6 years, 3 months ago)

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About Happyhamster427:

✡ ♉ HappyHamster427 ♉✡Age Classified To Public ✡ She/Her✯OutLaw✡ Single✡

"we are more ghosts then people"

About Me!

well Greetings there strangers looking at me profile at the moment, there really isn't much to know about me because i like to stay a quite or a so called "private Person" but if you really wanna know i shall just give you the basic's. My name is Jura or Mana (Rp and Xbox name) i don't care which every way you wanna call me as you can even just call me "Happy" it doesn't really matter lol, But anyways i am a unknown age (Need's full trust to tell you my age} Female who really does enjoys her space and quiet places and such other things, I really do enjoy video games though, but yes i really do like playing games but mostly halo and all that because i find it a distracting task or hobby from when i am dealing with emotional issues.

What's My personality like?-I'm a very calm and mellow aka chill peep but i do have Anxiety issues but it doesn't mean you can't be my friend and all that i am sometimes told i have a good sense of humor when i wanna show it or just enjoying myself in those good times i get to have, you can talk me to all you wan't i don't mind lol or even if you looking for some support or a friend plz do stalk me lol.

Likes and dislikes

1.I am a person who only dislikes significant things but mostly i'd say the things i really dislike is how others treat each other like crap or manipulate them

2.Animal abuse (like damn human kind is messed up]

3. Crowds of people or just very large places with a lot of people basically

4.Rap music (i find it disgusting]

5.Horror movies or games (i get bad nightmares)

6. Wished the world was a better and safer place,I don't think it is in my opinion


1.Animals of any kind but my main favorite one is the Wolf

2. Video games (Examples) Halo 5,Red dead redemption 2,Forza,Halo master chief collection and whatever else game that suits my type of interest

3. The good doctor,Race to the edge (httyd) and all their other series,sadly i would add more shows but they all pretty much were cancelled that took me into enjoyment of watching them in the past

4.Hanging out with my family

5.My amazing online friends

6. my doggies in real life ^^

7.Music,old classics or most songs with meaning to it ^^

Friends List

(Beware this is a danger zone)
this is my section with people ive met on here for a year now ive been friends with now and they mean a lot to me so i just warning you i won't hesitate to put you in your place if a friend of mine is wounded or hurt by your harsh words and actions

Gogeta ♡

DarkWings ♡

Wildone ♡

Grimwy ♡

Tripleblades ♡

StarDustDream ♡

Jose25 ♡

Batleo ♡

kittycat ♡

Lisyc ♡

(Not in order)

Thanks for Stopping by ^^

Howls (308)

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Happyhamster427 6 years, 4 months ago
Dream of a wolf (RDR2 screenshot taken by me from my Xbox one)
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Happyhamster427 6 years, 3 months ago
BatLeo, oh crap really?,well i'd better fix my honor level then but it was cool to see both dreams either way though
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BatLeo 6 years, 3 months ago
Yep Yep
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NoPulse 6 years, 3 months ago
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Happyhamster427 6 years, 4 months ago
(Screenshot Taken from my Mixer stream) So I finally got RDR2 after 8 years of development and so far I have to say,The game is so god damn beautiful from its graphics and nature to its animation and interaction. I got gameplay for 3 hours yesterday and I’ve only began chapter 2 that’s how wonderful it is because it takes quite a while to finish up one chapter but it’s so awesome I enjoyed playing so much, didn’t even get bored once lol I was digging it ^^
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Happyhamster427 6 years, 4 months ago

I'm not ready for this movie to end next year ;( but i really loved this trailer i thought it was better then the first one in my mind and omg the ending is just so damn funny was laughing so hard
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Happyhamster427 6 years, 5 months ago

this song is to represent a vent,because i feel my world is turning upside down and breaking. My Grandmother's demensia (memory loss) has gotten worse and her heart is failing a lot more now and she's being transported to a hospice... and that will probably soon mean another funereal i will have to go too,i am not allowed to go and visit her because of my mothers benefits and because i don't handle death or emotional stuff that well and i get like panic attacks from it.

Another reason why i am venting is because i am apparently too stupid to ever become a future veterinarian and working in that type of field with animals and medical stuff, people think i am incapable to handle such a career that ive always wanted to do and so that dream was crushed today by some asshole that thinks i am just to stupid to do anything in life.
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Happyhamster427 6 years, 5 months ago
So now I’ve decided to do something fun when I have free time only though,I will be doing streams on a site called Mixer I prefer it then Twitch and I will just be streaming games such as Hslo 5,Halo Master Chief Collection,ETC

But if you wanna follow me stream then here’s a link to my channel


P.S.> if any of you have Xbox one and wanting to add me on there please ask me first or else I wouldn’t really know who’s adding me but I don’t mind playing with others on Xbox
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DarkWings 6 years, 5 months ago
Ya'll better respect this person and protect her!

<3 love ya
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Happyhamster427 6 years, 5 months ago
aww love ya as well buddy <3
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DarkWings 6 years, 5 months ago
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Happyhamster427 6 years, 6 months ago
Well we have visited him for about two days now at the hospital he’s still isn’t quite himself and can’t walk still because we are still hoping for the swelling and fluid go down but he is a bit more alert then he has been the last 2 days and he recognizes me and mother today whining and wagging his tail and then barking when we left,so there is some slight improvement in his condition which is giving me a lot more hope then his previous nights

(P.s. the person holding him is my mother because he was connected to the wires because he was on his next dose of heavy medication he’s been in since Friday night)
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Happyhamster427 6 years, 6 months ago
Inactive Notice:Well I’ll just start that last night was a very rough night for me because Tucci’s got apparently Swelling and Fluid on his brain which is causing him to Pant,being unable to walk,Spinning in circles,crying in pain basically.so we took him to Animal Hospital but the thing I hated is that me and my mother had to wait half an hour just to see someone exam him,so we left and went to a much better vet and which they kept him overnight and giving him an MRI and give him fluids to try and make him feel better

Update for September 8th:MRI this afternoon and he can not get up or walk because of his brain issue and swelling
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Happyhamster427 6 years, 6 months ago
BEHOLD :D!! The power of having a green screen
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Happyhamster427 6 years, 6 months ago
My Halo 5 team of Weridos. Also my dearest apologies to my friends on here the reason why I haven’t been on often is because some life issues and also because Beth helping my mom purge her old house and fixing it up to sell it and it’s been happening until 7 in the morning to late afternoon but I’m enjoying it cause it’s fun and keeping me distracted ^^ but if you wanna keep in contact with me offline from here my discord is Happyhamster427#0837. Thanks for reading ^^
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