Tylus's Profile

Rank: Delta
Join Date:3 Feb 2014, 9:54am (11 years, 1 month ago)
Last Seen:
2 Dec 2018, 4:35pm (6 years, 3 months ago)

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About Tylus:

RP information/characters


Name: Tylus
Species: Timber Wolf
Height: 6 feet at shoulders
Age: Unknown
Fur: Red and white
Gender: Male
Eyes: Golden

Tylus' build and the scars he's acquired over the years make him seem intimidating, but he is really quite a friendly wolf. His gaze is warm and soft, showing that this brute was a gentle giant. Having a gentle nature about him made him try his best to avoid conflicts, but even a gentle giant can turn into a rampaging beast if you endanger the ones he loves. He grew up with no memory of his family or the pack he was born in because of suffering severe head trauma as a pup.


Name: Fastosus
Species: 'Demon' wolf
Height: 6 feet at the shoulders
Age: Unknown
Fur: Red and white
Gender: Male
Eyes: Golden

The twin brother of Tylus. The only differences in their appearances is that Fastosus is lacking the scars Tylus has and has a pair of bone wings and horns. Their voices are very similar for the most part as well, besides Fastosus' tone making him sound arrogant... Mostly because he is. A brute in every sense of the word, strength is the only thing he cares about and he looks down on creatures he deems to be weaker than him. Unfortunately since he is unnaturally strong even for his size, this list includes almost every single creature he meets. Having a personality that seems extremely hostile he oddly almost never attacks other creatures, his excuse being that they are too weak to be worth his time though his true reasons are his secret to keep.



Name: Kyuuketsuki
Species: Vampire Wolf?
Height: 4 feet at shoulders
Age: Unknown
Fur: Red and white
Gender: Male
Eyes: Amber

Kyuuketsuki is a vampire wolf due to his mother being one. His father is seen as nothing more than a normal wolf. The abilities Kyuu possesses are either adaptions of, or direct copies of, his mother's abilities. Unlike the normal type of vampire, he does not drink blood, in fact he is actually repulsed by it. He's a very rare type of vampire, possibly the only of his kind. He feeds on the energies of creatures who have powers, making him a bane to those who rely too much on their abilities for combat. Another thing creatures find shocking about him is, also unlike most vampires, Kyuu is physically weak. He is noticeably larger than normal wolves, yet his physical attributes are markedly lower. The majority of his power was sealed away due to his body being unable to handle the amount he has, leaving him with about 1% of his power being usable. He is really a coward by nature, preferring to avoid confrontations altogether if possible, though he has plenty of secret tricks up his proverbial sleeve.


People talk about 'white lies' like they are a good thing but, if you really think about it, they are the cruelest form of lie. You tell a lie so they aren't hurt by the truth. Then later, when they find out it's a lie, not only does it hurt more than if you had told the truth in the first place, it also shows that they couldn't trust you to tell them the truth.


I am a PoGo nerd.


Poetry 'corner'! Random writings I did. Some are okay, some suck.

{Under Construction, and I don't pay the workers enough for them to make it quick.}

Howls (49)

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Magicmonkey1020 6 years, 3 months ago
Nice pictures
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Tylus 6 years, 3 months ago
Thank you, they were done by someone I used to know.
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Magicmonkey1020 6 years, 3 months ago
okay and your welcome
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Moonstepthewolf 7 years, 7 months ago
I remember you from a long time ago on Wh
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Tylus 7 years, 7 months ago
I don't recognize that one. Probably talked to me on a different one, lol.
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Moonstepthewolf 7 years, 7 months ago
Yea probably
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Tylus 7 years, 7 months ago
Okay, well, I guess I don't really remember. Met a lot of people and my memory has been rather poor lately.
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Mileykatz 7 years, 10 months ago
hey aren't you the same tylus from wh?
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WolfKodi 7 years, 9 months ago
*coughs at Tylus*
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Tylus 7 years, 9 months ago
Haha, I didn't even notice this comment for some reason... And yes, I am. xD
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Mileykatz 7 years, 9 months ago
lmsao XD
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MaxTheWolf 7 years, 11 months ago
holy crap... its been a long time since i last saw you on..........
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Tylus 7 years, 11 months ago
Yup. I haven't been on in months. Near a year it seems.
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i haven't seen you online in 3 years..
but that's just timing
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Liz 8 years, 9 months ago
did you finish?