Lambda's Profile
Gender: Male Age: unknown Country: unknown Join Date: 18 Mar 2017, 6:44am (7 years, 10 months ago) Last Seen: 10 Oct 2018, 5:29am (6 years, 3 months ago) |
About Lambda:
Howls (43)
HauntedMemory 7 years ago
If a pose was removed for being inappropriate, but all it was was a dog with a hind leg risen, if I erased the butthole off the pose would it be okay to add back>>?
Lambda 7 years ago
I think I know the pose you are referring to; it was rejected as the entire pose set was deemed too inappropriate following Pose Rule 2 and Wolfing Rule 2 by the team a little while ago ( / - unpleasant content being bodily fluids & the pose drawn in a certain manner to indicate a certain unpleasant action occurring.
Even with the actual lines removed which portrayed the dog urinating, the stance the dog is in still gives off the same impression/action. Removing the butthole wouldn't make a whole lot of difference, if any. It is probably best that the pose in question, and the entire pose set, is not used on Wolfing^^
Even with the actual lines removed which portrayed the dog urinating, the stance the dog is in still gives off the same impression/action. Removing the butthole wouldn't make a whole lot of difference, if any. It is probably best that the pose in question, and the entire pose set, is not used on Wolfing^^
HauntedMemory 7 years ago
Alright, thank you! I was upset lmao because he was super cute, but its okay!! Thank you for letting me know!
Harley 7 years ago
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Wheatley 7 years ago
My family poops big. Maybe it's genetic, maybe it's our diet, but everyone births giant logs of crap. If anyone has laid a mega-poop, you know that sometimes it won't flush. It lays across the hole in the bottom of the bowl and the vortex of draining water merely gives it a spin as it mocks you.
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