Amaya's Profile

Rank: Delta
Join Date:3 Jul 2014, 4:49am (10 years, 8 months ago)
Last Seen:
2 Dec 2018, 11:17am (6 years, 3 months ago)

16177 2497 236

About Amaya:

_ <---- A terrible profile can be seen here (Im kidding)
Hello! Welcome to my Sniff! :) My name is Amaya! ᵔᴥᵔ
I'm not on here very often, but if I am, I'd love to meet you so don't be afraid to say hi! <3

Status: You can't trust people who you thought would always be there I guess

(Gif done by Pawproductions)

Listen to some relaxing music while scrolling through my Sniff! (Be sure to right click and select 'Loop')

Table of Contents:
*About Me
*Inside Jokes
*Special shoutout to important people


PPNG Group:PPNG may cause nausea, headaches, backpain, confusion, coma, or even death. Do not join until you know PPNG is right for you

PPNG stands for Pokey Paws Normal Ground, and was created on 1/1/15, today is the day that's marked as Neo PPNG (7/1/16) the day we returned to ppng for kinda a reunion thing.
This group is very loving and caring, and will except you for whoever you are, so don't be afraid to talk to them either :)

I love you guys so much I can barely think of words to express it, each of you are so amazing and special in your own ways, as a group we have all managed to stay together for such a long time and I hope we always do and eventually meet and live in that big mansion we always speak of <33

the people in this group are:

Jay: Me and you have known each other for almost over 4 years now and you've really helped me grow as a person, you've listened to my silly night talks when I'm feeling sad and laughed with me when I felt alone, thank you and I love you sibling. You made my birthday party so much better! You're tolerable and you exist. Period.

Candy: I have also known you for almost 4 years and it's just so amazing to me that you've put up with my nonsense for so long. Thank you for inviting me to join your group at the time and showing me Jay, I would have never met her without you. I can't thank you enough for always writing those rps or fanfictions with me, I always have so much fun, thank you for being my deceased sister.

Max: I'm so glad you're always there for Howlzy, I know how much she loves you, thanks for being my eely great best friend throughout my 3 years on wolfing, I'm very glad we get to be friends and I hope we continue being friends for a long time also you're blocked get off my profile <-- but really max is totally the best person on here hahahahahahah-totally amaya and not max

Faith: Thank you for being my foster father for such a long time!

Dogsled: You're the brother I never had, you remind me of when times were good with my father, when I had a happy family in real life, thank you for making me feel so happy, and I even get happy when you tell me to go to sleep because I know you care about me <3

Brandy: The greatest girlfriend alive who has her own section <3

Vanessa: I believe I have known you longer than anyone on animal jam ever, if it weren't for you Vanessa PPNG would have never, ever become a thing. You showed me wolfing, too, and it was only right that me and you got to meet first irl!

Paw: You always make me die laughing at the silliest things, and when I'm feeling down calling you always cheers me up, I had a lot of fun making that stupid Dofin poster with you XD

Hellsing! She joined 8/5/16: You really cheer me and the whole group up. YOU'RE PRETTY AND HAVE A NICE VOICE. (Don't ask about the last part it's a long story)

Savannah joined 4/10/17: You're such an important friend and person to me, I love and care about you a lot and you're always there to cheer me up. I'm excited for the day we start a bakery, it will be the best bakery! Thank you for writing stories with me, it's always so fun! You're an amazing person and I hope we stay friends for a long time <3

Chase: I'm glad you keep Savannah so happy!

Rae: I'm taking 3 figments of my imagination on the thermometer to tell you I'm so glad to be your friend

Kodi: Without you having made this website to begin with, PPNG wouldn't even exist, thank you Koko!

Billcipher: rejoined 7/29/:

Ulv: joined 1/1/18

We also have a youtube channel mainly for dubs, but also for posting our animations, songs, and more!

Rules of PPNG:

We the members of PPNG pledge to always strive for equality and acceptance for all. We will never allow an internal fight and to always remain neutral and fair. And finally to remain either Shipping Trash, Fandom Trash, or both. We will also keep the peace between our nations and work to help everyone.

I, Amaya, hereby am a member of PPNG, public announcement or not.

Below is the Tumbleweed, PPNGs version of a family tree

*So you want to join PPNG? Great! Below are the rules that need to be followed :)

•If you already are a member of PPNG, you should already be following them, older members do not get any more privilege than people who have just joined.

● Rule 1: You have to know a member of PPNG rather closely

Rule 2: You must respect everyone's choice of genders and sexuality

Rule 3: It is suggested that you see a Disney Movie (or Balto)

Rule 4: Must respect other people's fursonas

Rule 5: Unless another member knows you are joking, please don't be offending anyone
Please do not talk or joke about these topics as they are real rules and need to be taken seriously even if they seem silly to you they are important to someone.

(If you disagree with one of these rules, it is NOT okay to disregard it for your own feelings, instead speak to Dogsled, Amaya, Brandy, or Jay, the admins, about the issue and don'tbe afraid to let your thoughts go unheard as long as its calm and negotiable.)

•Don't joke about terrorist attacks
•Don't call depression and anxiety an excuse
•Don't say that hockey sucks
•Don't joke about disabilities
•Don't badly about vegans/vegetarians/how anyone chooses to lead their life, joking is alright if it isn't personally directed towards someone.
•PLEASE do not bring up someones past on wolfing, it's saddening to some people and it's just better to leave it in the past.
•Don't discriminate someones feelings for someone else, or anyones romantic relationship, its their lives not yours
•Please don't bring up Puerto Rico as it's a sensitive topic to some in the group due to recent events
● Rule 6: Don't try to spread sadness to other members (if you are depressed however it's alright) an example is don't try to get people to pity you

● Rule 7: Try not to rant about the same topic again and again in group presence

● Rule 8: Have some Suspension of Disbelief

●Rule 9: You're basically always grounded, just get used to it

●Rule 10: Do not change the group name, this is more of a joke but if it starts to cause way to much lag let the admins know

●Rule 11: Do not add anyone without voting, if you do, the admins have the right to remove them immediately without question

-If you disagree with any of these rules please take it up with the admins, Dogsled, Amaya, Brandy and Jay. Or settle it yourself in a calm matter with the person and come to an agreement, if you can't then alert Dog (Kastilo), Amaya, Brandy (Bluejay) or Jay (Jaytail)-

■Breaking any of these rules will result in you personally being sacrificed to satan

Or given 3 warnings, unless it was a major way to break a rule which then your punishment will be decided by the entire group and voted on■

Meet my twinny!:

About Me! :)
About Me

Hello! My real name is Hailey, but I usually if not always go by Amaya.
I love animals very much, I own a horse named Codiak, a dog named Hazel, 14 betta fish, an apple snail,and two rats named topsy and turvey
Religion: Uhm anything is possible really
My favorite animal: Pot bellied pig
Zodiac: Virgo
Favorite food: blue berries which I spilled all over the floor and Jay laughed at me
Do I own a spidget finner: yes
Color: Black or a mild shade of blue or grey
Favorite show: Star vs the forces of evil but it's always changing, ask me if you want an update
Dating: Brandy <3 (

////Me and Chanpuppy7, , hold the record for longest howl ever
Warning, dont click read every comment it will become hell faster then you can exit out of the tab.\\\\

Social Media/If you want to contact me:
If I'm online: Whisper
If I'm offline: Inbox, if it's really important or you just wanna be friends you can contact me over
Kik: Amayapuppeh
Tumblr: amayapuppy
Really important' also includes if you're feeling sad and need a friend, I will always be there no matter how small the problem and even if I don't know you.



Backstory: Work In Progress

Amaya met the love of her life, Bluejay. Aiko, Bluejays bird, found Amaya and directed them together.
Basic Info

Name: Amaya Woof
Tails Name: Whisper
Mate: Bluejay
Species: Indian Hare Dog/Doberman
Sexuality: Pan (Demisexual)
Base color: Very dark grey
Patches: Black
Milky patch on back: White
Muzzle: Light grey
Part under milky patch: Grey
Legs: White socks
Paws: black cups
Tail: black docked tail when Whisper isn't there

Inside Jokes!
Memories/Inside jokes

(I'm That wolfdog, Candy is Deadpixel)

That wolfdog: -sits on Candy-
[8:47:33 PM] Candy The Jet Stealer: -throws tennis ball-
[8:47:36 PM] Candy The Jet Stealer: -throws dog toy-
[8:47:41 PM] Candy The Jet Stealer: -throws pack of skittles-
[8:47:41 PM] That wolfdog: -chases all three-
[8:47:43 PM] Candy The Jet Stealer: -throws camera-
[8:47:46 PM] That wolfdog: five*
[8:47:49 PM] That wolfdog: CAMERA
[8:47:53 PM] That wolfdog: -tackles and eats-

-Let them Burn
-AAHCUM *Insidejoke with Brandy


Riot Robots
the Go Go Gadget Turbo Washing Machine to quickly wash your pets!
All can be sold on wisco airlines, the only plane station right for you!

Me and Max are the managers of iGirls, we sell Bunny Suits, totally real and not knock off items, and Pawcorn

Everyone in PPNG runs the 'Wisco Airlines!' The safest Airlines for you! 
(Here's the link to our commercial for Wisco Airlines: (Also the link to my youtube channel)

Important Shoutouts to very special people <3

To the best girlfriend in this entire universe <3<3


Brandy you've always been here for me, for more than 7 years as of now, I love you so much, you're the most amazing and beautiful person in this whole world. My life would mean nothing without you, I'd be way sadder and so much less confident, you make me feel happy about myself like no one ever has before, I feel the most happy when texting you and I miss you so much when you're gone. I want to hold you and kiss you all the time, and someday we will, I want to raise a family with you and have that winter wedding. You always know how to make me smile, and you always know how to listen to me when I need you, you stay up late just to make sure I'm okay and no ones ever done that for me before. I have such a hard time writing things I love about people because I'm bad at wording things, especially when it comes to you because I love every single thing about you, inside and out, you're the most beautiful person I have ever seen and I never want you to think differently. I love you more than anything or anyone, you're the best girlfriend in the universe and I never want to lose you, I'll make sure I never do. I promise you I will always find a way to fix anything and we'll always be happy. I really love you, I love you so much, also I love you more than you'll ever love me <3

Thank you for always being there for me, through the dumbest shit or the most important problems you're always by my side and I want it to stay like this forever. I'll never leave you, there will never be a problem we can't solve together <3 I love you so very very much, you're so incredibly beautiful and talented and smart, everything about you makes me smile and I can't wait to kiss you and hold you close to me during the nights or listen to you play guitar and fall asleep in your arms, or watch Twd with you and cry over Merle because I MISS MERLE AND YOU LIED TO ME ABOUT SOPHIA AND MERLE. Anyway I love you so so much <33

[8:26:34 PM] BlueJay: YOU BITCH
[8:26:39 PM] Amaya: FUCK OFF XD
[8:26:45 PM] BlueJay: ok
[8:26:51 PM] BlueJay: *fucks off*
[8:26:53 PM] Amaya: ..
[8:26:58 PM] Amaya: sounds really wrong
[8:27:03 PM] BlueJay: ...

[9:54:55 PM] Pikachu: YOU CAN MAKE A MAP
[9:54:55 PM] Amaya: YOU CANB MAKE A MAP
[9:54:58 PM] Amaya: CAN*
[9:54:59 PM] Pikachu: JINC
[9:55:01 PM] Pikachu: JINC
[9:55:02 PM] Amaya: XDDD
[9:55:03 PM] Pikachu: JINX

Date we started dating: September 8th 2017 at 9:53 am

Howls (3633)

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Zarroc 6 years, 7 months ago
Re-logged on to wolfing after a long time. Thought I would say hi, it's been a while.
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Tillyyy 6 years, 8 months ago
Can I-

Can I get some clamidia…….?
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BlueJay 6 years, 8 months ago
I love you <3
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BlueJay 6 years, 8 months ago
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Amaya 6 years, 8 months ago
I want a divorce, but I love you too <3
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Pouzdana 6 years, 10 months ago
[5:36:28 PM] BlueJay: now listen to eel scream
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Amaya 7 years, 2 months ago
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MaxTheWolf 7 years, 2 months ago
how dare you leave me out
you know what
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MaxTheWolf 7 years, 2 months ago
/delete Amaya
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Fallen Angel 7 years, 2 months ago
Is water wet?
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Amaya 7 years, 2 months ago
No because to be wet it must be coated in a liquid, water cannot be coated in its self
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KindFurry 6 years, 8 months ago
Thats true, theres a really funny video about it on facebook
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MaxTheWolf 7 years, 3 months ago
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Amaya 7 years, 3 months ago
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Amaya 7 years, 3 months ago
max is 10/10
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MaxTheWolf 7 years, 3 months ago
I know I am thank you
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MaxTheWolf 7 years, 3 months ago
Social Media/If you want to contact me:
If I'm online: Whisper
If I'm offline: Inbox, if it's really important or you just wanna be friends you can contact me over
Kik: Amayapuppeh
Tumblr: amayapuppy

what if i dont wanna contact you or bee your friend?
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Amaya 7 years, 3 months ago
well then fuck off
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MaxTheWolf 7 years, 3 months ago
n o
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MaxTheWolf 7 years, 3 months ago
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