merp's Profile

Rank: Delta
Country:, California
Join Date:20 Oct 2017, 8:57pm (7 years, 4 months ago)
Last Seen:
3 Dec 2018, 11:05am (6 years, 3 months ago)

1793 71 22

About merp:

♫♪ welcome to my sniff ♫♪

DA: green-toothpaste
discorde: merp#2471

do not read the botton below if you are triggered with bad language you have been warned!!
(funnies are below)

Expandable Content/Spoiler

6:47pm] merp: brb i found rice
[6:47pm] ducklord finally gets merps pose ;v;
[6:47pm] merp: i need my rice
[6:47pm] GnarlyGlaze: u asian man
[6:47pm] GnarlyGlaze: samE
[6:48pm] merp: XD

[7:32pm] GnarlyGlaze: MY CAT POOPED
[7:33pm] ducklord: davekat*
[7:33pm] merp: did the string come out get gloves and look

10:00pm] gravityskaters: dude i just rememberd something
[10:01pm] merp: what was it?
[10:01pm] gravityskaters: im finnaly taller than u in real life XD
[10:01pm] merp: aw snap
[10:01pm] gravityskaters: took me 14 years but i did it
[10:01pm] gravityskaters: lel
[10:01pm] Aurelie: just entered
[10:01pm] merp: now all my friends are taller than me now cri
[10:01pm] gravityskaters: nooo
[10:01pm] gravityskaters: not all
[10:02pm] merp: name one -3-
[10:02pm] gravityskaters: how about shit give me a min

[7:57pm] capao: Everyone quick act rlly mature
[7:57pm] merp: humps in italian
[7:57pm] merp: XD
[7:57pm] capao: Merp, that is not mature!

[2:50pm]merp: grav ate my feet
[2:50pm]gravityskaters: *finishes eating the last part of the foot*
[2:51pm]gravityskaters: cuz
[2:51pm]merp: cri
[2:51pm]gravityskaters: it was yummy in my tummy

[9:47pm] merp: why are you so small?
[9:47pm] gravityskaters: im not?
[9:47pm] merp: ewwww
[9:47pm] gravityskaters: same size
[9:47pm] merp: get out of me
[9:48pm] merp: ewwwwwwwww

[9:46pm] gravityskaters: i hate when ur in the store and someone is like oh hey whatchu doing here? im just like yeah you know the usual.. trying to find a big enough kangaroo to hold me and ride around in ya know?
[9:47pm] gravityskaters: heard they sell em here
[9:47pm] gravityskaters: right next to the bread and pastrys
[9:47pm] merp: XD
[9:47pm] gravityskaters: XD

[9:16pm] merp is away: homework i guess but i will check back once in a while ;3 #light blue
[9:16pm] merp is back
[9:16pm] gravityskaters: lol
[9:17pm] gravityskaters: u only do blue and if u want light blue i thing u have to do the code
[9:18pm] merp: homework i guess but i will check back once in a while ;3 #48bdb6
[9:19pm] merp: boi
[9:19pm] merp: i give the fuck up
[9:19pm] gravityskaters: XD
[9:19pm] gravityskaters: no
[9:19pm] gravityskaters: copy it
[9:19pm] gravityskaters: but remmeber the away sign
[9:19pm] merp: fuck you !away massage!!
[9:19pm] merp: i hate your gut away!!!
[9:19pm] merp: guts***
[9:19pm] merp: ffffffffff
[9:20pm] gravityskaters: XD
[9:20pm] gravityskaters: oml
[9:20pm] merp: AAAAAAAARGGGGG
[9:20pm] gravityskaters: X(
[9:20pm] gravityskaters: russian is so much harder than spanish fml
[9:21pm] gravityskaters: there are like five diffrent e's and b's!!!!!!!
[9:22pm] merp: i want o mother fucking bitch slap the fucking away message and my spelling!!!!
[9:23pm] merp: blarg
[9:23pm] merp: To*
[9:23pm] merp: i hate my life ring now cri
[9:23pm] gravityskaters: not do that
[9:24pm] gravityskaters: dont do that
[9:24pm] merp: right****
[9:24pm] merp: ffffffffff
[9:24pm] merp: i going to go cry to my self
[9:25pm] gravityskaters: dont do that
[9:26pm] gravityskaters: a backward r mean me wtffffffff
[9:26pm] merp is away: hateing my homework my spelling and the away massage!!!!
[9:26pm] gravityskaters: XD
[9:26pm] merp: aaaaaa
[9:26pm] gravityskaters: '

[12:12pm] gravityskaters: it looks like im sniffing u
[12:12pm] merp: XD
[12:12pm] gravityskaters: XD
[12:13pm] merp "you smell like sweat and b.o" grav says
[12:14pm] gravityskaters XD
[12:14pm] gravityskaters "no i dont meanie" merp says
[12:14pm] merp XD
[12:15pm] merp "yes you do now go take a shower" grav says
[12:15pm] gravityskaters "are you going to make me? plz dont make me" merp says
[12:17pm] merp "you smell go take a shower before i take your phone" grav say
[12:17pm] gravityskaters "oh no plz not my phone!!!" Merp says, running to the shower now

[8:59pm] merp in you happy and you know slap you friends * slaps both blood and grav*
[8:59pm] Pandy: whyamIhere
[8:59pm] Auri: I have one with guessing Abbriviations
[8:59pm] Auri:
[8:59pm] Pandy: -slaps everyone-
[8:59pm] Astrology: i dont have any friends here to slap
[8:59pm] Astrology: :(
[8:59pm] Astrology: jk
[8:59pm] Astrology: lol
[8:59pm] Pandy yes
[8:59pm] Nathan: h8
[8:59pm] Astrology: backhands auri in the throat
[8:59pm] Auri: guess GABD
[9:00pm] Pandy: Thanks Astro
[9:00pm] Pandy: I am glad you didn't slap me
[9:00pm] Auri: wHYME
[9:00pm] Pandy: Thanks for being a stranger to me
[9:00pm] Pandy: TUGGED
[9:00pm] Pandy: just left
[9:00pm] Nathan: tugged
[9:00pm] Auri: UGGGEd
[9:00pm] Nathan: just left
[9:00pm] Auri: just left
[9:00pm] merp if your happy and you know it and you really want to show if you r happy and you know it flap you friends
[9:00pm] Astrology: just left
[9:01pm] merp: rejected!!
[9:01pm] rainrain37: just left
[9:01pm] merp: get dissed

[11:49pm] Sauda: GUUUUYSSSSS
[11:49pm] merp: WHATTT!!??
[11:49pm] Sauda: I CAN'T WAIT TILL SUMMER
[11:49pm] merp: WHYYY!!!
[11:49pm] Sauda: I'M MEETING SOMEONE....
[11:50pm] merp: WHOOOO!!!???
[11:50pm] Sauda: ANTHONYYYYYY
[11:50pm] Sauda: WAIT
[11:50pm] merp: WHOOOOO????? CAN I GET A LAST NAME???
[11:50pm] Sauda: XD
[11:50pm] Sauda: PUNK
[11:50pm] Sauda: IM
[11:50pm] Sauda: MEETING PUNK
[11:51pm] merp: OOOOOO OK COOL TELL HIM I SAY HI!!!
[11:51pm] Sauda: XD
[11:51pm] Sauda: WILL DO
[11:51pm] merp: WHY ARE WE YELLING???!!!
[11:51pm] Sauda: IDK XD
[11:51pm] merp: XDDD OK
[11:52pm] Sauda: SONGS
[11:52pm] Sauda: THAT SOUNDED SO WRONG
[11:52pm] Sauda: XD
[11:52pm] merp: DONGS????!! AND GROSSS
[11:52pm] Sauda: XDDDD
[11:52pm] Sauda: HE SAID HI
[11:52pm] merp: IT SOUNDS LIKE A THONG FOR DOGS!!!
[11:52pm] merp: HELLO!!!
[11:53pm] Sauda: XD
[11:53pm] merp: SNOULD I YELL LIKE THIS

JeepersReapers: merp.
JeepersReapers: gaze into my beautiful eyes
gravityskaters: no.
gravityskaters: shut up
JeepersReapers: xDD
gravityskaters: merp is mine back off
gravityskaters: XD
JeepersReapers: fine jesse is mine xD
gravityskaters: merp is senpai
JeepersReapers: *cuddlez jesse*
JeepersReapers: i thought i was senpai </3

<b> this was on wolfing</b>

[9:27:46 PM] merp: nuuuu
[9:28:19 PM] gravityskaters: mwahaha
[9:28:30 PM] merp: you butt cheeck
[9:28:38 PM] merp: wft merp
[9:28:44 PM] merp: you cant spell
[9:28:50 PM] merp: stop trying
[9:28:52 PM] gravityskaters: wtf XD

<b> back to chatlands<b/>

[9:38pm] merp: are you happy?
[9:39pm] Sauda: Yes why?
[9:39pm] merp: i was just asking
[9:40pm] Sauda: ..?
[9:40pm] merp: yeah she is
[9:40pm] merp: whoa look it a bird
[9:40pm] Sauda: What xD
[9:40pm] Sauda: Lmao xD
[9:40pm] merp: *runs away*
[9:40pm] Sauda: Merppppp whats going on?
[9:40pm] Sauda: What are you hiding
[9:40pm] merp: nothing
[9:41pm] Sauda: Merpppy tell me
[9:41pm] merp: i promise
[9:41pm] Sauda: Hmmmm okayyy
[9:41pm] merp: i like asking random questions
[9:41pm] Sauda: Lol okay xD

[9:56pm] Sauda: [9:40pm] merp: yeah she is
[9:56pm] Sauda: WHO WAS THAT TOO?!
[9:56pm] Sauda: You never sent that to me
[9:56pm] Azekial: this is highly amusing
[9:57pm] Sauda: MEEEERRPPPPP
[9:57pm] Sauda: YOUVE BEEN CAUGHT
[9:57pm] merp: no one merpo out!!!
[9:57pm] merp: gn
[9:57pm] Sauda: TELL MEEE
[9:57pm] merp: loves you all
[9:57pm] Sauda: TELL ME
[9:57pm] Sauda: XD

11:24pm] merp: wop
[11:24pm] merp: im back from the dead
[11:24pm] Reapersblade: the drs havent helped me at all
[11:24pm] bloodlove: BBY BREATH
[11:24pm] Vulpus: just left
[11:24pm] merp: wb merp
[11:25pm] Sauda: I just need help..
[11:25pm] merp: ty ty
[11:25pm] bloodlove: WB MERPYYYYYYYYYYYYY
[11:25pm] Sauda: Wb Merpy derp xD
[11:25pm] merp: geez thank you
[11:25pm] merp: XD
[11:28pm] merp: that moment when your not noticed
[11:28pm] Sauda: YOU ARE NOTICED
[11:28pm] Sauda: I LOVE YOU MERPY
[11:28pm] merp: <33
[11:28pm] Sauda: <33333333333333333333333333
[11:29pm] Sauda: XD
[11:29pm] merp: loves you tooooo XD
[11:29pm] Sauda: YAY

8:31pm] merp: yup yup my dudy
[8:31pm] merp: dude**
[8:31pm] treehugerplease: hehehehee
[8:31pm] treehugerplease: dudy
[8:31pm] treehugerplease: heeehehe
[8:32pm] merp: XDDD
[8:32pm] merp: wow

[8:36pm] treehugerplease: OMNGE MERP
[8:36pm] treehugerplease: INDECENT
[8:36pm] treehugerplease: THERS CYHILDRENNN
[8:36pm] merp: i don cre -.-
[8:37pm] treehugerplease: i care
[8:37pm] merp: i dont
[8:37pm] treehugerplease: gasp
[8:37pm] Denhaii: weh
[8:37pm] treehugerplease: GASP
[8:37pm] merp: gasp back
[8:37pm] treehugerplease: you beast
[8:37pm] treehugerplease: :CCC
[8:37pm] merp: XDDD

10:20pm] FallingSilver: merp
[10:20pm] merp: what?
[10:21pm] Zephyr: um
[10:21pm] Zephyr: tweet tweet
[10:21pm] SP0: just left
[10:21pm] merp: caw caw
[10:22pm] merp: you said my name?
[10:23pm] merp: merp sits in confusion
[10:23pm] merp: please stop leave me in the blueee fallingsilver!!
[10:23pm] merp: ahhh
[10:25pm] Zephyr: lmao
[10:26pm] merp: im so gosh darn confused but i think they were just saying the word .-.

[9:46pm] Sauda is away: Feeling Sick
[9:46pm] Sauda: <3
[9:46pm] merp: sauda what did you do to your self?
[9:47pm] merp: why are you sick
[9:47pm] Sauda: ?
[9:47pm] Skyvory: ;-; sausau what's wrong
[9:47pm] Sauda: Oh idk
[9:47pm] merp: thats no good
[9:47pm] merp: what have you do to your self
[9:47pm] Sauda: Probably because im always taking my bc pill late xD And I hardly eat xD
[9:47pm] Skyvory: boi
[9:47pm] merp: ;-;
[9:47pm] Sauda: xD
[9:47pm] Skyvory: you gotta do that :c
[9:48pm] merp: also go to that bath room and take a shit that might help
[9:48pm] Sighs: asdflajsdf
[9:48pm] merp: it works for me .-.
[9:48pm] Sauda: xD
[9:48pm] Sauda: Lmfao Im ded xD
[9:49pm] merp: XDD

11:22pm] bloodheart: 10 moons is old enough to be a warrior right merp
[11:23pm] merp: im 180 moons (15 yr) im an elder .-.
[11:24pm] bloodheart: lord merpo
[11:24pm] bloodheart: yea 10 moons it isXD
[11:24pm] merp: what let me dream!
[11:24pm] bloodheart: THATS LIKE VAMPIRE AGE
[11:25pm] bloodheart: 180
[11:25pm] merp: 180 moons!
[11:25pm] merp: but its old for cats
[11:25pm] bloodheart: OMG YOUR A VAMPIRE CAT
[11:25pm] merp: no im an albino cat
[11:26pm] merp: fucker *slaps*
[11:26pm] bloodheart: crys
[11:27pm] merp: pats you
[11:27pm] merp: your fine
[11:27pm] bloodheart: starts to call the police
[11:27pm] merp: awe
[11:27pm] merp: im going to fart on you if you do !
[11:28pm] merp: i big long smelly one right on your face and i will force you to smell until your death!
[11:29pm] bloodheart: ewwww
[11:29pm] bloodheart: ends call
[11:30pm] merp: ye

[10:24pm] Mami: i have 2 pee but i dont wanna get up
[10:24pm] merp: then pee your self my dude!
[10:24pm] Mami: i will
[10:24pm] merp: you do that
[10:25pm] Mami: thank u dad
[10:25pm] merp: yup

[10:10pm] JReaper: i g2g byeee
[10:10pm] merp: nuuu
[10:10pm] merp: bye bye!
[10:10pm] JReaper: YEES
[10:10pm] merp: see ya!
[10:11pm] JReaper: bye love u all <3
[10:11pm] merp: my guppie!
[10:11pm] JReaper: and i love u too short stuff ;) @rosemary
[10:11pm] merp: smacks you with love bye bye guppie!
[10:11pm] Hellbent: just left
[10:11pm] Mareo: BYE EPER
[10:11pm] JReaper: BYE GUYS <3
[10:11pm] merp: <333
[10:11pm] JReaper: just left

[7:09pm] merp: i said "hello!" 7 time in a row .-.
[7:09pm] princess: just entered
[7:09pm] merp: hello!
[7:09pm] princess: heyoo
[7:09pm] merp: make that 8
[7:09pm] petrichor: you need to switch things up then
[7:09pm] princess: guess the party is over here now
[7:09pm] petrichor: throw in a hi or a yo
[7:09pm] petrichor: or an oi
[7:10pm] merp: nah im going to stick with the "hello!" snazz for now
[7:10pm] merp: snazz?
[7:10pm] merp: what?
[7:12pm] merp: snazz-up. Verb. (third-person singular simple present snazzes up, present participle snazzing up, simple past and past participle snazzed up) (chiefly US, idiomatic) To improve appearance or appeal by increasing stylishness or functionality, or by adding other attractive features.
[7:12pm] merp: heck

[8:14pm] merp: dose any one what a free doodle (sketch) from me?
[8:15pm] PanPaws: I would
[8:15pm] Detailed: I don't know man, it sound pretty "Sketchy" if you ask me..
[8:15pm] merp: smacks
[8:15pm] merp: no
[8:15pm] Detailed: haha
[8:15pm] Detailed: kill me
[8:15pm] merp: no puns here
[8:16pm] merp: << all i need it the oc you want to be drawn :33
[8:16pm] Detailed: I know we have to "draw" the line somewhere, Yeah?
[8:16pm] PanPaws: ...
[8:16pm] merp: leave
[8:16pm] merp: there is now need for this
[8:16pm] Detailed: Wait wait no! Let me just "paint" the picture for you on what going on
[8:16pm] merp: ahhhhhh
[8:17pm] PanPaws: p u n s
[8:17pm] merp: stop!
[8:17pm] merp: please
[8:17pm] PanPaws: I love puns
[8:17pm] merp: they are grossy!

[7:35pm] JReaper: i ship u with that feather right there <
[7:36pm] Taiki: just left
[7:37pm] JReaper: <.<
[7:37pm] merp: fuck me feather
[7:37pm] JReaper: xDD
[7:37pm] JReaper: my ship has sailed i guess xD
[7:37pm] merp: XDD
[7:37pm] JReaper: merp + Feather
[7:37pm] merp: meather
[7:38pm] JReaper: YES
[7:38pm] JReaper: OMG
[7:38pm] JReaper: its perfect xD
[7:38pm] merp: XDD
[7:38pm] merp: it works
[7:38pm] merp: ah!
[7:38pm] JReaper: <.<
[7:39pm] merp: f--faster! more (ok this got weird we need to stop)
[7:39pm] JReaper: xDD
[7:39pm] JReaper: i choked on my cookie! xD

this ych is free for now!!

some examples

example 1
example 2
example 3

Howls (54)

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merp 6 years, 3 months ago

USD only thank you

1. 9$

2. 7$

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Rushing River 6 years, 3 months ago
best merp to ever exist, am i righttttttt <33
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merp 6 years, 3 months ago
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Rawr-Horse 6 years, 3 months ago
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merp 6 years, 3 months ago
XDD -shoves in pocket-
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Derecho 6 years, 3 months ago
I WANT one of the dA is buffchair and my ref is whichever of these you want
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Rushing River 6 years, 3 months ago
dont delete this bc i love you <33
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merp 6 years, 3 months ago
i will never delete thiss!! because i loves you too!! <33
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Rushing River 6 years, 3 months ago
yay!! <3
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merp 6 years, 3 months ago
:33 <33
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merp 6 years, 4 months ago
this for @devorak do not take or copy thank you!!
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merp 6 years, 6 months ago
let me know what your going to pay with

1$= 100 points(Deviantart)
1$=1.50 deltas (chat lands)
1$=1 USD(if paying with paypal USD only thank you!)


also i dont like drawing horns so please not give me an oc with horns!

send me a note on DA (user green-toothpaste) or come find me any where and chat lands and wolfing thank you!!
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Rushing River 6 years, 7 months ago
I recommend you comish this bish
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Trii 6 years, 6 months ago
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Rushing River 6 years, 6 months ago
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merp 6 years, 7 months ago
jadegrace is thinking on wolfing and nightmarefox is stardustdream
#gettingbulliedbymyguppies but i still love them <33
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frumhere 6 years, 7 months ago
Nice icon
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merp 6 years, 7 months ago
X33 you to lol
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