imjustatwinkie's Profile
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Gender: Female Age: 21 Country: Join Date: 25 Jan 2017, 11:33pm (8 years, 1 month ago) Last Seen: 11 Aug 2018, 12:49pm (6 years, 7 months ago) |
About imjustatwinkie:

"It's no joke, I assure you. It's the fear of victory, and the agony of...the Scarecrow!"
About Me

Amber | 14 | Female | Bixsexual | Taken irl
"The great Batman scared out of his mind. How does it feel?"
I'm Amber, a 14 year old who is obsessed with fictional characters. I'm also a huge fan of Batman or Batman: The Animated Series, and Jonathan Crane/The Scarecrow is my favorite character. I also enjoy drawing and I'm trying to improve at it.Enough said.
Discord: Ask me, I might reply to you late since I don't go on anymore.

Harley Quinn

And Scarface
Likes and Dislikes
✔ Anything Batman related or DC Comics in general
✔ Animals
✔ My friends
✔ Cartoons
✔ Movies
✔ Music
✔ Jacksfilms (Best YouTuber)
✔ Cuphead
✔ Ducktales (I've mostly watched the 2017 reboot, I need to watch the original one day)
✔ Jonathan Crane/The Scarecrow from Batman: TAS <3
✘ Clingy/Annoying/Bossy People
✘ Being yelled at
✘ Bugs
✘ Spiders
✘ School
✘ Most of the redesigns from The New Batman Adventures (not all of them)
✘ Losing friends
Chat Noir

Art by me
Random shit

Don't ask

What am I doing with my life
[7:39:03 PM] imjustatwinkie: It's DARE
[7:39:13 PM] Ohio: I love you
[7:39:23 PM] imjustatwinkie: I love you too
[7:39:37 PM] Ohio: I mean
[7:39:38 PM] Ohio: uh
[7:39:44 PM] Ohio:
[7:39:53 PM] Ohio: my cousin doesnt need to hear this
[7:40:01 PM] Ohio: he is into Gorillaz, he is 6
[7:40:01 PM] imjustatwinkie: *puts this on sniff*
[12:28:16 AM] Xirberis: Question.>
[12:28:50 AM] Xirberis: What's with the joker poses lately?
[12:29:01 AM] imjustatwinkie: Uh
[12:30:29 AM] XxSkittlesXx: LMAO
[10:19:22 PM] Seansplash: twink x mad hatter x joker x batman x superman x scarecrow x spiderman x wolfkodi(aka god)
[10:19:30 PM] XxSkittlesXx: NO
[10:19:31 PM] XxSkittlesXx: NO
[10:19:33 PM] XxSkittlesXx: NIO
[10:19:37 PM] XxSkittlesXx: SKIT X JOKER
[10:19:48 PM] Niuk: ME X COFFEE

Howls (600)
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imjustatwinkie 7 years, 1 month ago Edited 7 years, 1 month ago
We get an early dismissal at school tomorrow and we're going to have a lunar eclipse, tomorrow is going to be good.
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imjustatwinkie 7 years, 1 month ago
Please reply here if you want to talk, alright? I want to keep my page clean.
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imjustatwinkie 7 years, 2 months ago
Happy New Year everyone! Let's see what 2018 has to offer for us!
RedVenom 7 years, 1 month ago
Uganda Knuckles
Tide Pods
Can you do this?!
thats what 2018 has to offer you.
Uganda Knuckles
Tide Pods
Can you do this?!
thats what 2018 has to offer you.
imjustatwinkie 7 years, 2 months ago Edited 7 years, 2 months ago
Ah crap it's been a while huh? Well anyways, merry Christmas everyone! And my birthday was on December 21st, I got to see Star Wars: The Last Jedi and it was actually really good! And for Christmas, I got more art supplies, a Darth Vader plush, a Scarecrow figure, Star Wars pjs, Star Wars shirts, a Joker shirt, the new Dork Diaries book, two Scarecrow comic books, and Batman TAS on dvd! I'm so happy! Anyways, I wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
imjustatwinkie 7 years, 3 months ago
The older you get, the less you get or want for Christmas. Same can be said with birthdays too.
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RedVenom 7 years, 3 months ago Edited 7 years, 3 months ago
TRUE. I use to want toys and laptops.
now i want money and snacks
now i want money and snacks
imjustatwinkie 7 years, 3 months ago Edited 7 years, 3 months ago
Please reply to this howl if you want to talk. The only reason I'm keeping some of my howls on here is for memories. If you howl on my profile without replying to this one, I will remove your howl. Thank you!
An exception would be if you reply to one of my other howls, just don't howl on my profile, I'm trying to keep it clean.
Please reply to this howl if you want to talk. The only reason I'm keeping some of my howls on here is for memories. If you howl on my profile without replying to this one, I will remove your howl. Thank you!
An exception would be if you reply to one of my other howls, just don't howl on my profile, I'm trying to keep it clean.
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Niuk 7 years, 3 months ago Edited 7 years, 3 months ago
why dont you ever go on when i'm go on????????????? >:v i feel offended
Edit: Now you have 666 howls c;
Edit: Now you have 666 howls c;
imjustatwinkie 7 years, 3 months ago
First off, congratulations for being my 666th howl! :)
Second off, I don't really go on anymore because Wolfing is getting boring to me. No offense to Kodi or anything but it's just not as fun as it used to be. I still might come on every now and then but I'm always on Discord if you want to talk to me. (Even though I'm always on do not disturb)
Second off, I don't really go on anymore because Wolfing is getting boring to me. No offense to Kodi or anything but it's just not as fun as it used to be. I still might come on every now and then but I'm always on Discord if you want to talk to me. (Even though I'm always on do not disturb)
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