XxDarkInsanityxX's Profile

Rank: Delta
Country:, Illinois
Join Date:6 Jan 2017, 4:05am (8 years, 2 months ago)
Last Seen:
12 Aug 2018, 1:38am (6 years, 7 months ago)

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About XxDarkInsanityxX:

No one.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Anime stash

When I see Sebastian c:

School makes me depressed

More information about me
So uhm. I don't really have much to say but something as cliche as a Hello...so hi. Well, we can start from the beginning. When I was a child, I was and still am in love with animals. I've always been the black sheep of the family, and had artistic ambitions. In school. I was usually seen as very creative in class, and very very shy. I had no friends growing up really, and was bullied a lot because of my appearance. When I was maybe a toddler-around a few months or 2 years old, an accident to the face happened which caused me to have facial burns . Ever since then, I just lived with them and remain at a constant for questions of "what happened?" or get stares. As of now, I don't care much for them, but as a child, I still didn't care.Ha. Anyway, yadayada I have been bullied and other things I won't mention since I don't want to seem like an attention whore-if you want to know don't be afraid to ask me. Long story short, I am here,I am alive, after living through what is known as Hell, I have risen from the dark depths of the past into a semi victorious future. My goals in life are to stop procrasinating and learn Japanese, Go to Japan to live there and make my own Animated uh...well..anime. Weaboos dream I know. I don't have much else to say since well..My mind is racing. (Not inserting image here anymore...)
Pft totally not me like a year ago ...heh..Well, this is uh. Awkward. But yep. Meet the creator I guess. I thought this would be a nice picture because Well, I need a little self confidence since my self esteem is lower than the depths of Hell. I feel regretful posting this here, but we all want to know what we look like behind screens okay. Come on. You know you're curious. Don't lie. You're smling aren't you. If you aren't, you didn't realize I put two L's in smiling. You just checked. Now you're smiling c:.But seriously I did mispell Smiling.

Stash Of images

-Used to be my best friend.. USED to-
My cat Raven. I will forever miss her and her screaming at me for food <3.

A personal Quote
Obscurity Lies in the darkness of the beholder.
All that exists is unfathomable pigments of imagery and hallucinogenics created into life.
There is no meaning to living-You must simply be birthed,Live,and Die.
The cycle shall continue for eternity. Don't believe what you see-
You're already dead.
Accredited to me. This is my own Quote. Don't think of stealing it




♫♪ ♫♪ ♫♪ ♫♪ ♫♪

What is this site.

So You've made it here. Well. Prepare

Howls (53)

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Lisyc 6 years, 7 months ago
6 mins ago noooo
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Grimwy 6 years, 7 months ago
Hello darkness my old friend
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XxDarkInsanityxX 6 years, 7 months ago
I've come to talk to you again
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Troye 6 years, 10 months ago
Where are you?
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XxDarkInsanityxX 6 years, 10 months ago
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Troye 6 years, 10 months ago
i missed u
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Lisyc 6 years, 11 months ago
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Grimwy 7 years, 1 month ago
I miss you, hope you come back soon!

and I hope you are alright ^^
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XxDarkInsanityxX 7 years, 4 months ago
Why is everyone constantly depressed? Is this where angst comes to build? ...<3 <----- That symbol is overused and meaningless here now, just saying.
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I have returned from the dead >:U And I am not Happy
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Lisyc 7 years, 5 months ago
I miss you </3
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XxDarkInsanityxX 7 years, 5 months ago
The feeling of neglect is starting to numb
I mean, what am I to expect c;?
What even is a companion anymore?
When there's not a hint of remorse in them for your feelings
I thought I meant something important to someone
But it is merely a thought..for those stay hidden from reality
No chance to speak up in most cases
I will move on
The same expression will continue
I am numb to the feeling
But why should I be?
Why should I be pelted with your lies of care?
Just go- go on
The taste of your ridicule sickens me.

...This is what I get for trusting my BRAIN and not my HEART-
The HEART is nothing but a blackened abyss- while the brain is (was)THOUGHTFUL of others.
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Lisyc 7 years, 5 months ago
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Skreechh 7 years, 5 months ago
so deep
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Zacorra 7 years, 5 months ago
Listening to the heart is a lot better than listening to the brain. If this someone is listening to their heart, they will see you just as important as you are to them. The brain is thoughtful of others but the heart still loves.
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XxDarkInsanityxX 7 years, 5 months ago
I feel like I messed something up important in my friendship with someone-which is communication-IT ISN'T YOUR FAULT ;-; IT'S MINE-I AM SORRY- PLEASE ANSWER ME! STOP BLAMING YOURSELF DOWN THERE
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