Taka's Profile

Rank: Delta
Join Date:3 Aug 2016, 5:03am (8 years, 7 months ago)
Last Seen:
13 Apr 2018, 6:05am (6 years, 11 months ago)

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About Taka:

Eddie . Gemini . They/them

Hi. I'm Eddie. I like food and cats. I think I'm pretty nice.. so feel free to talk to me!

[3:14:32 PM] Taka: BIG MAC BC HE THICC

Pixel credit goes to https://www.deviantart.com/art/F2U-Spacekitty-656522557

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Teufel 6 years, 12 months ago
pees here.
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Nico 7 years ago
Hi, friend? (:
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Taka 7 years ago
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Taka 7 years ago
just a little reminder:
You have no idea what people are dealing with in their personal life, so just be nice. (stolen from instagram oops)
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Teisho 7 years, 5 months ago
Welcome to Wolfing!!
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Taka 7 years, 5 months ago
Er- I've been on Wolfing longer than you have, but thank you?
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Teisho 7 years, 5 months ago
I welcomed you because your name was green and it means a new user so,sorry.
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murcuary 7 years, 5 months ago
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Ulv 7 years, 5 months ago
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Taka 7 years, 9 months ago
Guys, please, please, please sign this petiton to end the Yulin Dog Meat Festival this year. It is coming up in June.

15,000 dogs are eaten at this festival. Most of these are stolen from families, but the rest are stolen from animal shelters. The dogs get totured ALIVE. They will be hung, burned, skinned, bolied, torched, dismembered and electrocuted for the damn public to watch! This is disgusting. Let me say this again, they do this to the animals when they are ALIVE! They also toture them in front of the dogs to make them nervous and stressed for their final moments. Men believe the dog meat will give them more sexual stamina. People have been trying to end this for YEARS. Please stop this fucked up "festival", and sign this petiton. It's free, it takes not even a minute. Please do not watch the video on the petition page, and there's more information about this "festival" on the website. Thank you, and pardon my dirty mouth.

(leaders, please inform me if you want this taken down.)
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i agree that these festivals are horrible and sickening, but it's their culture. we, who don't live where they live or have practiced their beliefs, have no right to take away their cultural traditions, no matter how horrible it seems to us; so there's really, unfortunately, nothing we can do besides hope that they process what they're doing is wrong and that they eventually stop.
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Ocultai 7 years, 9 months ago
It is their culture, however it is also against animal rights and is cruelty on multiple degrees. That's the same as saying cannibalism is okay because it's their culture. Because it's the tradition and the way something is done, doesn't make it morally okay. As she's currently showing, you con petition it, which is a start to stopping what goes on. Plus one doesn't need to hope that what they're doing is wrong, given that they are harming these animals and causing them suffering. They are aware of it, yet blatantly do not care and find joy in it. It's repulsive.Thank you Taka for bringing this up, have ever heard of this festival and am glad to throw a vote to stop it.
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Mercury 7 years, 9 months ago
*cough* hamburgers, chicken, turkey.. *cough* our culture *cough* also animal cruelty and against animal rights *cough*


throat clear

i never said it was okay because it's their culture. if you think im not saying it's wrong, oh by god i know it's wrong. it's fucking horrible. i love dogs, dogs are my second favorite animal, i mean for christ's sake there's a dog as my profile picture! im just saying there's nothing that can be done about it. which sucks, i know.

believe me, i wanted to stop the dog festivals, too. i did lots of things, signed petitions, created petitions, wrote huge paragraphs about how wrong it is.. then i realized, nothing will change it. even if it's wrong, i realized that because it's their culture.. no action can really.. be taken against it.

think about it, how long has it been around for? AGES. it's most likely, 99.9% chance never going to stop. and the people who participate in the dog festivals do indeed know that what they're doing is wrong, but don't really process what they're doing is wrong because they see that other animals like cows, chickens etc get slaughtered but no one really does anything to stop it.

they kill for meat, all animals kill for meat. it's the circle of life, the way of life. at least they aren't wasting the dog meat or anything, they're eating it.

about cannibalism, that has nothing to do with this. dogs are not the same species as us. it's a whole different scenario.
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Ulv 7 years, 9 months ago

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Taka 7 years, 9 months ago
true af
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Ulv 7 years, 9 months ago
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Taka 7 years, 9 months ago
omg im back!!
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xXKawaiiXx 7 years, 9 months ago
Welcome back to the hell called wolfing. LMAO.
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Ulv 7 years, 9 months ago
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Taka 8 years, 6 months ago
howl m0re - taka 2k16
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