Minnowsplash's Profile

Rank: Delta
Join Date:22 Jun 2017, 12:18pm (7 years, 8 months ago)
Last Seen:
24 Nov 2018, 6:20am (6 years, 3 months ago)

3205 113 57

About Minnowsplash:

These are hard times for dreamers.

You are loved. You matter. You're important. Please, do not give up. I know you're in a dark place, but the light /will/ shine again. I'm here for you. Contact me if you need to vent or just want to chat. Don't hold It in. Come to me. Keep shining your beautiful light.

Minnow + 18 INFP-t+

Careful, I bite.~


Siblings- JavionSpike


Children- Mistake, Zorro, Ohio, Connorsoda/Saeran, CuriousLex, GiantCat, Cerella, Moonstepthewolf,

Other family members- Cwooski (GrandkId)
Just another broken child in this dark and cruel world.~~~

-Coded by Ruz.

.[2:43:01 PM] Minnowsplash: succ my memes
[2:43:06 PM] ConnorSoda: succs on your memes
[2:47:14 PM] Fallen Angel: someone love me .-.
[2:47:19 PM] xJoey: we all love u
[2:47:24 PM] Fallen Angel: pffft
[2:47:25 PM] Minnowsplash: //loves on fallen
[2:47:32 PM] Minnowsplash: *AGGRESSIVELY LOVES ON
[2:47:39 PM] Fallen Angel: O//O
[2:47:42 PM] Fallen Angel: I love aggressiveness
[2:47:44 PM] Fallen Angel: ;)
[2:47:45 PM] Fallen Angel: lmfao
[2:47:50 PM] Minnowsplash: ;3c
[1:05:07 PM] ConnorSoda: [7:03:25 PM] Minnowsplash: Send me a screenshot of me
[1:05:13 PM] Minnowsplash: ye
[1:05:18 PM] ConnorSoda: a pic of u?
[1:05:19 PM] ConnorSoda: to u?
[1:05:25 PM] Minnowsplash: o
[1:05:26 PM] Minnowsplash: oop
[1:05:29 PM] Minnowsplash: I failed
[1:05:30 PM] Minnowsplash: wowwwww
[1:05:32 PM] ConnorSoda: lmAO
[1:05:33 PM] ConnorSoda: xD
[12:15:20 PM] Minnowsplash: Satan is gone, I didn't get to sacrifice Leo to them.
[12:15:31 PM] sick-mutt: LMFOA
[12:15:32 PM] GoldenRose: Unfortunate
[12:15:38 PM] Minnowsplash: Damn.:/
[12:15:48 PM] Minnowsplash: I will next time. ^^
[12:15:58 PM] GoldenRose: I was watched on DA by satan himself
[12:16:13 PM] Minnowsplash: he wants y o u
[12:16:19 PM] GoldenRose: o h g o d
[12:16:25 PM] GoldenRose: my s o u l
[1:46:23 PM] Minnowsplash: wHERED COBAR GO
[1:46:24 PM] Minnowsplash: o
[1:46:28 PM] Minnowsplash: *cobra
[1:46:34 PM] ImSatan: COBAR
[1:46:37 PM] ImSatan: Co Bar
[1:46:39 PM] ImSatan: Bar
[1:46:39 PM] GoldenRose: cobar
[1:46:42 PM] GoldenRose: omg
[1:46:44 PM] Minnowsplash: don't tell him I said that
[1:46:47 PM] GoldenRose: I want a chocolate bar now
[1:46:49 PM] GoldenRose: THANKS
[1:46:57 PM] ImSatan: Haha
[1:47:07 PM] Minnowsplash: yw mummy
2:08:08 PM] ImSatan: *hugs*
[2:08:09 PM] GoldenRose: He's not replying
[2:08:13 PM] Minnowsplash: *hugs*
[2:08:15 PM] Minnowsplash: <3
[2:08:21 PM] ImSatan: You've been hugged my Satan <3
[8:40:39 PM] ConnorSoda: *throws u in a trash caN*
[8:41:14 PM] Minnowsplash: I'm home now
[8:41:16 PM] Minnowsplash: thnx
[11:41:13 AM] GoldenRose: eatass
[11:41:14 AM] GoldenRose: jkjk
[11:41:19 AM] GoldenRose: covers mins ear
[11:48:24 AM] GoldenRose: yoursohuge
[11:48:31 AM] Deranged: Not the only huge thing
[11:48:31 AM] Minnowsplash: :"You're so huge."
[11:48:36 AM] GoldenRose: ik lmao
[11:48:36 AM] Deranged: (:
[11:48:39 AM] GoldenRose: wink wonk
[11:48:39 AM] Deranged: Lmao
[11:48:48 AM] heyitslex: wow
[11:51:30 AM] Minnowsplash: lemme cushion your ass mom
[11:51:32 AM] heyitslex: -drags rose-
[11:51:36 AM] heyitslex: OMG <
[11:51:39 AM] heyitslex: lmfao
[11:51:47 AM] GoldenRose: thanks child
[11:51:51 AM] Minnowsplash: yw
[11:52:06 AM] GoldenRose: where my pants at tho
[11:52:07 AM] Minnowsplash: making your bUns ToasTY And WaRm
[11:52:10 AM] Minnowsplash: OH
[11:52:12 AM] GoldenRose: thAnKs
[11:52:17 AM] Minnowsplash: youre sitting on me nakid
[11:52:19 AM] Minnowsplash: ew
[11:52:30 AM] heyitslex: LMFAO
[11:52:48 AM] GoldenRose: o h
[2:06:09 PM] Minnowsplash: minty butt roses
[2:06:14 PM] Fallen Angel: It's a new mix
[2:06:17 PM] Fallen Angel: Mint and rose
[2:06:34 PM] Minnowsplash: Minty butt rose is the body wash's name.
[2:06:53 PM] Fallen Angel: Minnows butt rose is gonna be a new brand soon
[2:07:05 PM] Fallen Angel: Butt roses, lmfao
[2:07:15 PM] Minnowsplash: sniff my ass i use it all the time
[2:07:18 PM] Fallen Angel: -goes to photoshop a butt rose-
[2:07:32 PM] Fallen Angel: I was just there.
[2:07:38 PM] Fallen Angel: It smelled FaNtAstIC
[2:08:45 PM] Fallen Angel: Didn't we meet a loooong time ago, when I asked to be you 'husband' in the family? CX
[2:08:59 PM] Fallen Angel: Lmfao, we weigh the same tho
ConnorSoda disconnected at 2:09 PM
[2:09:02 PM] Minnowsplash: lmao yeah
[2:09:04 PM] Minnowsplash: sON
[2:09:05 PM] Minnowsplash: NO
[2:09:13 PM] Minnowsplash: #heartbroken
[2:09:53 PM] Fallen Angel: Did you ever file a divorce? Haha
[2:10:11 PM] Minnowsplash: nOpE
[2:10:15 PM] Fallen Angel: IdOnTrEmEmBeRoNe
[2:10:22 PM] Minnowsplash: noR DO i
[2:10:24 PM] Fallen Angel: #marriedandunknownofit
[2:10:33 PM] Minnowsplash: lmao yes
[2:10:44 PM] Minnowsplash: *files divorce on
[2:10:49 PM] Minnowsplash: *takes custody of kids
[2:10:54 PM] Fallen Angel: *takes the dog*
[2:10:59 PM] Minnowsplash: \*takes the cat
[2:11:04 PM] Fallen Angel: *takes the car*
[2:11:14 PM] Minnowsplash: *takes the house, but gives you the grandma
[2:11:25 PM] XZyron: sorry i keep dying im coloring me a pose.
[2:11:25 PM] Fallen Angel: *eats the grandma because im homeless now*
[2:11:36 PM] Minnowsplash: *sends you to a homeless shelter
[2:11:48 PM] Minnowsplash: best ex wife 2017
[2:11:58 PM] Fallen Angel: That needs to be another funny
[2:11:59 PM] Fallen Angel: Lmfao
[2:47:30 PM] ConnorSoda: EW IM ALLeRGiC tO COttON
[2:47:37 PM] Minnowsplash: oops
[2:47:46 PM] ConnorSoda: *dies bc allergy*j
[2:47:54 PM] ConnorSoda: jk im not allrgic to cotton
[2:48:02 PM] ConnorSoda: Only sea food, melons and bananas
[2:48:24 PM] Minnowsplash: *gives a banana
[2:48:39 PM] ConnorSoda: NO
[2:48:41 PM] ConnorSoda: NO NO NO
[2:48:45 PM] ConnorSoda: DOBU WNT ME TO DOE
[2:48:47 PM] ConnorSoda: DIE
[2:48:50 PM] Minnowsplash: maybe
[2:48:52 PM] Minnowsplash: no
[2:48:54 PM] Minnowsplash: ily too much
[2:48:55 PM] ConnorSoda: omfg
[2:49:01 PM] ConnorSoda: 'Maybe'
[2:49:04 PM] ConnorSoda: im gonna cRy
[2:49:06 PM] Minnowsplash: (:
[4:20:56 PM] GoldenRose: oh
[4:20:58 PM] GoldenRose: ok
[4:21:06 PM] ConnorSoda: weRE DOING IT IN WHISPER
[4:21:09 PM] ConnorSoda: U CANT SEE SHIR
[4:21:11 PM] ConnorSoda: SHITS
[4:21:13 PM] ConnorSoda: SHIT
[4:21:28 PM] TroyeDaWolf: ha
[4:21:35 PM] GoldenRose: but your face looks like you're excited to smash
[4:21:42 PM] GoldenRose: buffet time
[4:24:46 PM] Minnowsplash: 69 years?
[4:24:47 PM] GoldenRose: i was close
[4:24:48 PM] Minnowsplash: (;
[4:24:49 PM] GoldenRose: oh
[4:24:50 PM] GoldenRose: my god
[4:24:52 PM] GoldenRose: LAFFING
[4:24:52 PM] ConnorSoda: 69
[4:24:55 PM] ConnorSoda: ;)
[12:56:44 PM] Adalwolfa: *throws minnow up in te air*
[12:56:56 PM] Adalwolfa: No fly
[12:56:58 PM] Adalwolfa: w
[12:57:18 PM] Adalwolfa: *pushes mom off*
[12:57:30 PM] Adalwolfa: *but at last minute catches*
[12:57:32 PM] Minnowsplash: o
[12:57:46 PM] Minnowsplash: *flies to sun
[12:57:49 PM] Minnowsplash: *burns and dies
[12:57:52 PM] Minnowsplash: woohoo
[12:57:54 PM] heyitslex: oh
[12:58:04 PM] Adalwolfa: Yay
[10:25:02 PM] Minnowsplash: one of the most things people say is :"Noo minnow." or :"god dammit minnow"
[10:36:24 PM] Viiktor: Damnit min, you did this
[10:42:08 PM] Minnowsplash: I am going back to my neat, proper self.
[10:42:14 PM] Minnowsplash blows up building
[10:42:15 PM] MirrorScars: X'D
[10:42:18 PM] Viiktor: Mason no
[10:42:23 PM] fey: o
[10:42:27 PM] Viiktor: Min you dont have a neat proper self
[10:42:32 PM] Minnowsplash: stfu
[1:18:59 PM] basketballgirl: Luis and Nick will luis their heads lmao
[1:19:03 PM] Cobra678: NO
[1:19:08 PM] Minnowsplash: what
[1:19:17 PM] Minnowsplash: was that a pun
[1:19:17 PM] basketballgirl: with that pose xD
[1:19:24 PM] basketballgirl: nuh DX
[1:19:27 PM] Cobra678: IT'S UGLIER THAN MEEEEE
[1:19:33 PM] Minnowsplash: :"will luis their heads."
[1:19:36 PM] basketballgirl: -throws can at Cobra- shush
[1:19:43 PM] Minnowsplash: [1:18:59 PM] basketballgirl: Luis and Nick will luis their heads lmao
[1:19:47 PM] Minnowsplash: wAS THAT A PuN
[1:19:51 PM] basketballgirl: OMG
[1:19:54 PM] basketballgirl: I MEANT TO SAY LOSE
[1:19:57 PM] basketballgirl: BUT THAT WORKS
[1:20:01 PM] Minnowsplash: IT'S A PUN
[1:20:03 PM] Minnowsplash: OMG
[1:20:07 PM] Minnowsplash: Say it outloud
[1:20:17 PM] basketballgirl: xDD
[3:49:47 PM] Minnowsplash yawns
[3:49:54 PM] sweets: what the fuck
[3:50:01 PM] sweets: when i read 'yawns'
[3:50:03 PM] sweets: i yawned wt f
[3:50:07 PM] sweets: what is this
[3:13:33 PM] Minnowsplash: pls
[3:13:35 PM] Minnowsplash: I need love
[3:13:38 PM] Minnowsplash: or ill die
[3:13:39 PM] heyitslex: N O
[3:13:44 PM] heyitslex: THEN DIE
(Cobra678 gets on my face in a cat pose.)
[10:20:17 PM] Minnowsplash: I have a pussy on my face.
[10:20:19 PM] Minnowsplash: i mean cat
[10:20:22 PM] Pineapple: They.were together.for a whole like day
[10:20:22 PM] Minnowsplash: what
[10:20:24 PM] MirrorScars: oH
[10:20:24 PM] Cobra678: XD
[10:20:25 PM] nads: cHOKES
[10:20:27 PM] nads: MInNOW
[7:22:57 PM] Rae: i could cry im so happy
[7:23:09 PM] Dol: I just realized..-- MIN Y R U MAKING OUT WITH YOUR TAIL
[7:23:15 PM] fey shared "Gorillaz - Clint Eastwood (Official Video)" uploaded by Gorillaz.
[7:23:19 PM] Minnowsplash: I'm lonely that's why
[7:23:22 PM] Minnowsplash: and why not
[7:23:26 PM] Minnowsplash: I taste gr8
[7:23:27 PM] Minnowsplash: (;
[7:23:41 PM] Minnowsplash: ;3c
[2:45:07 PM] MiniNurbe: That pose of Min making out with their tail
[2:45:11 PM] MiniNurbe: just gives me life rn
[2:45:13 PM] MiniNurbe: ty
[2:45:43 PM] Minnowsplash: <3
[2:45:46 PM] Minnowsplash: enjoy it
[2:45:48 PM] Minnowsplash: for I am lonely
[2:46:05 PM] Lee: selfcest
[2:46:11 PM] Minnowsplash: got that right
[2:46:15 PM] Minnowsplash: I taste delicious
[2:46:22 PM] Lee: gr o s s
[2:46:32 PM] Minnowsplash: how would you know
[2:46:33 PM] Minnowsplash: (;
[2:46:38 PM] Lee: thats the thing
[2:46:39 PM] Lee: i dont
[2:46:40 PM] Lee: LOL
[2:46:44 PM] Minnowsplash: t a s t e m e d a d d y
[2:46:45 PM] Minnowsplash: I'm srry
[2:46:49 PM] Lee: Blocked.
[2:46:50 PM] Minnowsplash: I have sinned
[2:46:51 PM] Minnowsplash: o
[2:46:54 PM] Minnowsplash: cries
[2:46:59 PM] MiniNurbe: damn
[2:47:01 PM] MiniNurbe: that escalated
[2:47:05 PM] Lee: >:)
[11:16:58 PM] Minnowsplash: just gonna invade
[11:17:02 PM] PenVains: ohh //licks
[11:17:06 PM] King: Oh
[11:17:06 PM] Minnowsplash: ooo
[11:17:07 PM] MirrorScars: ew public
Timothy refreshed the page at 11:17 PM
[11:17:12 PM] Minnowsplash: l I ck l o w e r
[11:17:14 PM] Timothy: ughh ok
[11:17:14 PM] Minnowsplash: kidding PLS DONT
[11:17:16 PM] Timothy: WTF
[11:17:17 PM] MirrorScars: and seeppl?
[11:17:20 PM] MirrorScars: no thank u
[11:17:21 PM] MirrorScars: I'm good
[11:17:22 PM] King: I usually like ass in my face but not spider ass sorry
[11:17:22 PM] PenVains: //licks lower
[11:17:23 PM] Timothy: WHY DID I COME BAck TO "lick lower"
[11:17:29 PM] PenVains: XDDD
[11:17:30 PM] Minnowsplash: mOM HELP
[11:17:35 PM] PenVains: get RAPED SON
[11:17:37 PM] Minnowsplash: I'm being violated
[11:17:39 PM] Minnowsplash: SON
[11:17:41 PM] Minnowsplash: BOI
[12:53:53 PM] Ulv: minnow are you making out w/ your tail-
[12:53:59 PM] Minnowsplash: yes
3:31:57 PM] Minnowsplash: mOM, DAD WON'T LET ME MAKE A SNOWFLAKE OUT OF HIS b@lls
[3:32:03 PM] GoldenRose: LOL
[3:32:05 PM] GoldenRose: I WONDER Y
[3:32:13 PM] Minnowsplash: I wonder that too:(
[10:24:30 PM] JavionSpike pinned Munchkin down.
[10:24:36 PM] JavionSpike released poor Munchkin from being pinned.
[10:24:47 PM] Minnowsplash pinned Munchkin down.
[10:24:50 PM] Minnowsplash released poor Munchkin from being pinned.
[10:24:55 PM] Minnowsplash pinned Munchkin down.
[10:25:31 PM] Munchkin: OH
[10:25:33 PM] Munchkin: I GOT
[10:25:36 PM] Munchkin: PIN
[10:25:43 PM] Munchkin: 5
[10:25:45 PM] Munchkin: times
[10:25:47 PM] Minnowsplash: notice me
[10:25:48 PM] Munchkin: this is pin rape
[10:25:50 PM] Munchkin: XD
[10:25:52 PM] Minnowsplash: (;
[10:25:56 PM] Munchkin: oh!
[10:25:57 PM] Minnowsplash: don't tell my mom
[10:25:58 PM] Munchkin: c;
[10:26:01 PM] Munchkin: i wont
[10:26:01 PM] Munchkin: XD
[10:26:04 PM] Minnowsplash: okay

[10:26:39 PM] Munchkin broke free from being pinned by Minnowsplash.
[10:26:41 PM] Munchkin pinned Minnowsplash down.
[10:26:46 PM] Minnowsplash: oh yes daddy
[10:26:51 PM] Velexa: wiggles back in
[10:26:55 PM] Munchkin: oh
[10:26:57 PM] Minnowsplash: oh
[10:27:04 PM] Munchkin: you like being submissive
[10:27:06 PM] Munchkin: i see
[10:27:07 PM] Munchkin: c;
[10:27:09 PM] Munchkin: .
francis left at 10:27 PM
[10:27:16 PM] Minnowsplash: pin me granny
[10:27:20 PM] Munchkin: i
[10:27:21 PM] Minnowsplash: mMMMMMMMM
[10:27:23 PM] Munchkin: already did
[10:27:26 PM] Munchkin: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
[10:27:30 PM] Minnowsplash: oh yes
[10:27:45 PM] galaxy123: *puts a censor over them*
[10:27:51 PM] Minnowsplash erotic moan
[12:08:38 PM] Seansplash: but sharing is caring
[12:08:43 PM] derpy: same
[12:08:45 PM] derpy: and no
[12:08:47 PM] Seansplash: "but i dont carE"
[12:08:47 PM] Minnowsplash: Sean, I simply don't CaRE
[12:08:48 PM] Cernunnos: idk, I can't deal with one over the internet but
[12:08:50 PM] Cernunnos: tbh with you
[12:08:50 PM] derpy: i dont share
[12:08:55 PM] Cernunnos: irl, it's chill as hell
[12:08:55 PM] Seansplash: [12:08:58 PM] Seansplash: "but i dont carE"
[12:08:58 PM] Minnowsplash: Sean, I simply don't CaRE
[12:09:02 PM] Minnowsplash: LMAO
[12:09:59 PM] derpy: i dont like anyone touching my girl and yur makeing out with yur tail
[12:10:04 PM] derpy: i just noticed
[12:10:09 PM] Minnowsplash: eNJOY IT.
[12:10:12 PM] derpy: lol
Minnowsplash arrived at 3:27 PM
[3:27:32 PM] derpy: >
[3:27:33 PM] derpy: hi
[3:27:36 PM] derpy: and wb
[3:27:49 PM] derpy: Xd
[3:27:54 PM] Minnowsplash: nah
[3:27:57 PM] Minnowsplash: make me
[3:28:09 PM] derpy: *takes tail and kisses it himself* ha
[3:28:13 PM] Minnowsplash: oh
[3:28:27 PM] Minnowsplash: kissing your lips isn't the only thing my tail can do btw (;
[3:28:29 PM] Minnowsplash: LMAO
[3:28:39 PM] derpy: oh]
[3:28:54 PM] mistake: oh mom
[3:28:57 PM] mistake: ur stil drunk
[3:29:00 PM] mistake: but darn, i gtg
[3:29:03 PM] Minnowsplash: not yet no
[12:49:44 PM] Seansplash: "my daddy'll make you feel better."
[12:49:52 PM] Minnowsplash: oh
[12:49:52 PM] devon: sTOP
[12:49:56 PM] devon: THATS FOR US TO KNOW
[12:50:00 PM] Minnowsplash: sean you're more like a mom
[12:50:07 PM] Seansplash: true
[12:50:08 PM] devon: he is
[12:50:12 PM] devon: hmmmm
[12:50:15 PM] Minnowsplash: mMM MOMMA SEAN
[12:50:26 PM] Seansplash: i just
[12:50:26 PM] Seansplash: cired
[12:50:29 PM] Seansplash: cried
[12:50:35 PM] Minnowsplash: GOOD.
[12:50:39 PM] Minnowsplash: now call me daddy
[12:50:43 PM] Minnowsplash: daddy minnow
[12:50:45 PM] Minnowsplash: MMMMMMMMMMMM.
[12:50:46 PM] devon: no call me dabby
[12:50:53 PM] Seansplash: okay dabby
[12:50:53 PM] Minnowsplash: dabby
[12:50:55 PM] Minnowsplash: ok
[12:51:01 PM] devon: everyone call me dabby
[12:51:06 PM] Minnowsplash: dABBY
[6:33:17 PM] Minnowsplash pinned GiantCat down.
[6:33:23 PM] Minnowsplash: I meant TO SNIFF YOU
[6:33:24 PM] Minnowsplash: OMG
[6:33:24 PM] GiantCat: Ok- GAG
[6:33:26 PM] Minnowsplash: I AM SO SORRY
[6:33:32 PM] Minnowsplash released poor GiantCat from being pinned.
DarkWings arrived at 6:33 PM
[6:33:43 PM] GiantCat: I liked the view
[6:33:47 PM] Minnowsplash: OH
[6:33:48 PM] GiantCat: MOM
[6:33:50 PM] Minnowsplash: mk
[6:33:54 PM] Minnowsplash pinned GiantCat down.
[6:34:05 PM] Minnowsplash: WAIT. M O M. DARKY, MY GRANDBBY HAS A CHILD
[6:34:06 PM] DarkWings: I HAVE A Delivery!
[6:34:10 PM] DarkWings: SHHH
[6:34:20 PM] Minnowsplash: I HAVE A GREAT GRANDCHILD???
[6:34:27 PM] DarkWings: ALRIGHT NOW BYE
DarkWings left at 6:34 PM
[6:34:33 PM] Minnowsplash: WAIT NO
[6:34:36 PM] Minnowsplash released poor GiantCat from being pinned.
[6:34:41 PM] Minnowsplash: LMAO
[6:34:44 PM] Minnowsplash: IM DYING
[6:35:20 PM] bel: no?? i don't
[6:35:23 PM] Minnowsplash: a lot of people like my ass, so it's ok
[6:35:29 PM] bel: @hailey what ass
[6:35:48 PM] Minnowsplash: my soft, plump, and squishy ass duh
[6:35:53 PM] Minnowsplash: wANT A PIC
[6:35:54 PM] Minnowsplash: HAHAHA
[6:35:59 PM] bel: n o
[6:36:00 PM] bel: p e
Grimm disconnected at 6:36 PM
[6:36:08 PM] GiantCat: Nt
[7:37:43 PM] Minnowsplash: burps
[7:37:51 PM] GoldenRose: manners child
[7:38:01 PM] Troye: thr

Howls (309)

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Minnowsplash 6 years, 3 months ago
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Zorro 6 years, 3 months ago
Youre. A. Furry.
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Minnowsplash 6 years, 4 months ago
almost got in it with the fuzz m8s
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Minnowsplash 6 years, 4 months ago
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Minnowsplash 6 years, 6 months ago
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Minnowsplash 6 years, 6 months ago
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CuriousLex 6 years, 6 months ago
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Ohio 6 years, 6 months ago
I can't believe you're still using the pixel thing I done for you.
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Minnowsplash 6 years, 6 months ago
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Minnowsplash 6 years, 6 months ago
hmu if you ever make me bb
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Minnowsplash 6 years, 6 months ago
I added family to my profile

anyone wants to be apart of it
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Minnowsplash 6 years, 6 months ago
ahhhh okay, mom~<3
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MarielaAndWafflez 6 years, 6 months ago
Yayyy!! Good, thank you daughter! <3
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GiantCat 6 years, 6 months ago
Also Mariela you're my grandmother (im minnow's daughter)
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Minnowsplash 6 years, 7 months ago

throw your refs so I can use 'em as plushies for poses
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Ruz 6 years, 7 months ago
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Ruz 6 years, 6 months ago
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Minnowsplash 6 years, 7 months ago
someone help me code my sniff pls :')
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MarielaAndWafflez 6 years, 7 months ago
I willlll
Oh hecc this is late
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