Gorgeous's Profile

Rank: Delta
Join Date:18 Apr 2016, 7:15pm (8 years, 10 months ago)
Last Seen:
30 Nov 2018, 9:36am (6 years, 3 months ago)

1876 29 24

About Gorgeous:

Congratulations! You’re not perfect! It’s ridiculous to want to be perfect anyway. But then, everybody’s ridiculous sometimes, except perfect people. You know what perfect is? Perfect is not eating or drinking or talking or moving a muscle or making even the teensiest mistake. Perfect is never doing anything wrong – which means never doing anything at all. Perfect is boring! So you’re not perfect! Wonderful! Have fun! Eat things that give you bad breath! Trip over your own shoelaces! Laugh! Let somebody else laugh at you! Perfect people never do any of those things. All they do is sit around and sip weak tea and think about how perfect they are. But they’re really not one-hundred-percent perfect anyway. You should see them when they get the hiccups! Phooey! Who needs ’em? You can drink pickle juice and imitate gorillas and do silly dances and sing stupid songs and wear funny hats and be as imperfect as you please and still be a good person. Good people are hard to find nowadays. And they’re a lot more fun than perfect people any day of the week.

I'am Self conscious, but here it goes...

Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIyvKnZhgAiuVa8HdwpR7XQ

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/limitslessluv/

Support me? Subscribe and follow my Insta please and thank you <3 I luvs you!!

I read and write fanfiction. maybe we could write fanfics or fiction together?! ;)

I cosplay! And I draw. If you want me to draw anything for you. I do request! ( On Paper..I'am waayy better on paper ) Scroll all the way down if you want to check out my Cosplays and Drawings

Most you need to know about me
↓ ↓

Fact: #1: Gorgeous is the all of a sudden name I came up as far as my artist name as a dancer, and singer. I'm an African American girl who's home-schooled, I dance, I do gymnastics, I do various of Martial arts, i'am in Martial arts training. I work at home. I babysit, I host radio shows and I draw

Fact #2: My beauty. I'm very self-conscious I don't wear makeup I mainly wear diminutive of lipstick or gloss, with rarely eyeshadow, and mascara. My hair is black-ish. But I tend to change it quite often. I'm at least 5'1 and I weight 102.

Fact: #3: Truthful. Look sometimes, most of the times I'm the friendly type and super outgoing! But one thing for sure, I'm very much blunt in and outside the computer screen. But of course everything isn't straightforwardness, I know how to keep control, secrets, attitudes, voices in my head..Sometimes.. But if you were to ask me about an opinion to one someone or something, rather that's the way you look or your relationship, I ma be completely honest with you, with love <3

Fact #4: My kindness. I'am very nice sweet more so in the inside but I tend to show it way too much on the outside. Which sometimes makes me easily vulnerable that's why I tend to be careless, but I know too much isn't optional.

Fact #5: My Humor. Sometimes I play allot but somehow most find it funny. Sometimes I don't joke but laugh. I love to make people laugh and smile, it's endless for me. I guess you can say I'am like a monkey swinging from a tree. (I don't know why I just turned this into a poem.)

Fact #6: My love. I have allot of love too give even if it's to the nonrealistic things x3 But rather if it's just someone I just met, yet we've allot to relate to, I show allot of love for you. Personally because I chose to follow the saying, "The world needs more love" When I was little, so it kinda stuck with me. I chose to accept that and I wanted to show everyone that you're not alone, although my honestness may seem to make you unsure, it's because I care just know that ;).

Fact #7: Alright Ima be completely honest! Although it's very embarrassing. My jealousy.It snaps on way faster then I think it could or would. I tend to get jealous over the silliest of things. Someone's art, relationships, history, ideas. Name them all. However!! It doesn't last long because I know that in the end you can't be jealous over something you already have.



My Cosplays

More to come!
A autumn Fairy <3 My favorite cosplay


More to come

Yuki ^^

My Babes <3

Tis baby rightcha, MY BABY, MY SISTER, MY BEST FRIEND, MY MAMAS, MY TWIN, MY SOUL, MY OTHER ME, MY MOTHERTRUCKIN BROTHER RIGHTCHAA. Knows me, gets me, is with me, will push me, will teach me, and this person here is the one who can keep me sane WHO HAS kept me sane.There is no better person I could or would ask for to be in my life today and forward, no matter what the hell happens in life. PACK thank you for frekin being with meh through Wolfhome, here and all other sites we be on just so we can be on there with each other!! I luuuuuuuv youuuu to the whatever the hell there is in any existence and back. I wanna keep this short and sweet because you know me, I could tell you a whole story to your face, and I will, every second of the day. I Love you PACKY, PACKO, PACKIE!! PACKERS...No.Ok.Same.<<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

WTF this gurl right here is like the inner me. Not even joking I can relate to her soooo muuuch and I can laugh, be awkward, be weird, and she would'int even mind because WE ARE BOTH WEIRD!! Kawaii is like the type of friend who would most definitely laugh at you when you fall before helping you up XD And I luuv how I can be myself around her just as much as she can be her self around me, shes the person I would definitely bug all day with paragraphs, or bug her with the most randomess sentences so that she can stay with meee x3. I consider her as my besti! Because she is one of the most awesomeness people on here that I feel comfortable to talk with, about anything? And I don't think that can change. I have sooo much more that I want to say, however for some reason!! I chose to write this at six o'clock in the damn morning!.. There's something wrong with me, but I looovves youuu with a real life beating heart from someone of your choosing on top. ^^ <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

OML I can't STAND YOU! like foreal I wanna just wanna sit down because I CANT STAND YOU! Nu Gala seriously your the person that I can really count on when I need something, someone, and or opinions! We can talk about the most randomness things and it will go on forever, we'll never get tired of it. YOU"RE FUNNY AS HELL, I can't even pull away from just wanting to use the bathroom because I would wanna stay and laugh with you some more. If i'am ever down I know I can count on you to flip my mood. Just as I'am here for you. ^^ Thank you Gaaall I louvs you! Giving you all the Galaxies that I can reach <3 <3 <3 <3

GAAAH I WISH YOU WOULD COME ON HERE OFTEN! >.< MICKKY Your like the only frickin dude I can damn say I can honestly bang with... Like foreal foreal, the person I can actually call my Boy-Friend! I'am so so so so soooo happy I got to meet you On Black Ops. At first I was like. "Alright another guy from Black ops..Basically another weirdo..." But You are seriously the coolest I've ever met and probably the only coolest, like for sure awesome status. #NO. You make me feel like I'am not left out and that I get to come to you anytime, just as much as you can come to me anytime ^^ GETS ON here more so I can brag with you! ANd talk to me about Grimm and shtuuff. Thanks for being my FRAANND <3 <3 <3

CJ COME BAAACK! Why is it that all my guy friends come on here less... >> Cj-00 I miss talking to you, because every time I talk to you I feel comfortable to wanna share with you. And I feel happy I wanna tackle you all the timmeeee. Your one of my first, or was I believe you were my first friend on here, and I was so happy to be your friend because I felt so welcomed whenever I was around you, there wasn't any half friend crap. I miss you! Thanks for being there foooor meeeee <3 <3 <3

If you weren't listed here PLEASE DO NOT get offended.T he people I listed is the people who I accept as meh Wolfing family whether they accept it or not ;) The meh ride or dies, hides or lies, and or the realest.>< Ya still meh friends tho, come to me if you need anything! Come talk to me more!!! <3 There can only be three reasons why I didn't list you here.

1: Because you just don't know me like these lovely beings do.
2: Because you are FAKE AS HELL! Like damn I don't accept artificial people, or attention seekers!
3: Because you we don't talk much and ye.

MOST LIKELY you weren't listed here is because 2, and or 3. ^^ I accept with open arms and I will be more then happy to be your Wolfing family and or friends!! I just don't like the fake friend shet and or 'That friend whos online! So 'll go with them.' Nu! I have many people like that whom I don't accept. You know who you are! Dafuq! /

Wanna Know More About Me? Listen To This Song Okay! It it describes me. LISTEN TO IT!


Howls (47)

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capsize 6 years, 4 months ago
tf i be missin u
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Gorgeous 6 years, 4 months ago
Omg I missed you by two hours! Get back onnnn
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Nakhal-nyy 6 years, 8 months ago
WOAH. WhO is this GorGeoUs girl I see!
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Gorgeous 6 years, 8 months ago
Well Gee, I dOnT knOooww! Hmm??
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Gorgeous 6 years, 8 months ago
🌺 1000 sniffies thankies to all who is nosy 🌺
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Nakhal-nyy 6 years, 8 months ago
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Gorgeous 6 years, 8 months ago
My etirovaf
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xXKawaiiXx 7 years, 7 months ago
winkidy wink wonk, i be comin 4 dat booteh
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xXKawaiiXx 7 years, 7 months ago
add me on my new account!!

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Gorgeous 7 years, 5 months ago
Okie do you have a KIK ^^ We need to talk more often!!
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capsize 7 years, 4 months ago
yesyesyes, i made one literally today ! ! !


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xXKawaiiXx 7 years, 9 months ago
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Gorgeous 7 years, 9 months ago
I missed by 20minutes my eyes are already out! <3
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xXKawaiiXx 7 years, 11 months ago
stArEs aT.

yoU sHoUlD gEt 0nLiNe :')
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Gorgeous 7 years, 11 months ago
*gEts On*
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xXKawaiiXx 7 years, 11 months ago

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Gorgeous 7 years, 11 months ago

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xXKawaiiXx 7 years, 11 months ago
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Gorgeous 7 years, 11 months ago
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xXKawaiiXx 7 years, 11 months ago
o nuUuuu i fell asleep probably if I was online at that point LMAOOO.
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Crimsonn 8 years ago
HALLU * cough cough * i mean... * cough * hi
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Gorgeous 8 years ago
HOWLOOoo //Gasp, before waving violently* HIhi!
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