AquaStar35077's Profile

Rank: Delta
Join Date:1 Jan 2015, 11:05am (10 years, 2 months ago)
Last Seen:
2 Dec 2018, 3:56am (6 years, 3 months ago)

10044 272 637

About AquaStar35077:

Taken by Snickers <3

I cannot think of any better person to be with than Snickers. He's always there for me and has always made me happy in many ways. He always has my back and I will love him forever <3. I am truly lucky to have him as my boyfriend, and I know that we will forever be happy with each other. When we met in real life, I knew he was truly the one for me.

“I'm just saying random words that happen to fall in a logical and relevant order, haha.” -Anna

**I am not in rooms as often as I used to be; I managed to get my Sims 3 to work and I spend much of my time on that. However, I still check howls and PMs very often, so that is the better way to reach me, other than Discord, in which my user is AquaStar35077#4405.**

Hi everybody! I am Aqua, President of the proudly pacifist Nation of Aqua Russia. Dont be afraid to vent off to me! I like being there for my friends and I am always neutral during venting sessions.. I have 6 dogs by the names of Katie, Lucy, Sadie, Ellie, Jack, and Buttercup as well a cat named Tigerlilly. I have a little sister in real life and my best friend on wolfing is JadeFeather. I am sociable, outgoing, and officially bilingual in spanish and english and forgiving (if I feel you deserve to be.) Don't ask or be afraid to pin me, because I do not really care if you do, as long it is for fun and not hate or anger towards me. I am a world traveler, as my favorite place I have been to is Hawaii. I am always ready to chat, so do not be afraid to talk to me. I love coloring poses/lineart for my friends (Which include coloring refs, poses, flipping, cropping, transparent background, etc.) and pasting them into fun backgrounds (If you want), so do not be afraid to ask me to color, edit, or do a background request. My favorite movie is The Martian.

When you get into an RP about running from the cops and the world's security:

[12:16:17 AM] BattyKoda13: we could throw the grenades a them
[12:16:23 AM] BattyKoda13: but I don't think that's socially acceptable
[12:16:34 AM] AquaStar35077: We just blew up half of the world's security
[12:16:47 AM] AquaStar35077: that isn't exactly "acceptable" XD
[12:17:11 AM] BattyKoda13: true
[12:17:17 AM] AquaStar35077: Heh

Names Called

I am called by many names:

Aquaie by JadeFeather

Star by Cjesseg, Pink, SilverJulyMoon, MirrorScars, Derpy, and Gogeta

Aqie by Kodi

WaterStar or Awua by Snowflakepuppywings

AquaStarch by Fountain

Teddy Bear by Leopardwarrior

AquaticStar by Narnia

Tara by Zapphire

Barrie by XxNekoxX

Aquis by Icew0lf

Aqua-Chan by Nanami

Aquafina by Skittlezeon

Star Girl by Narnia/Kyle

A story using my username, credits to Kodi for making it up.: Aqua flies by a Star every 35,077 seconds.
Here is my Quotev Page. (Clickable Link.)
I have 8 characters by the names of Aqua, Midnight, Skye, Adaline, Astra, Chloe, Spirit, and Joey.
Since Aqua is my main OC, I will only share her story and pictures of her. Aqua is the alpha of RedPack and one who never gives up. Aqua is really friendly and sociable, along with a natural born leader and a fearless personality, especially to protect herself or her pack. Being one of the few magic members of her pack, she is very accustomed to using them and refuses to use them to win batles, as she has a strict fairness policy and belief. Being a tough fighter, she usually ends up taking on things too big for her to handle alone. Some of her flaws include: Being nosy, acting before she thinks, being low-tempered, and extremely defensive. But, if you want a strong alpha who will die for her pack, Aqua is the wolf for you.

Aqua with my favorite character, Commander Lewis from The Martian, my favorite movie.

Aquaie(My Pizzabug)

This is Aquaie, my Pizzabug. She was drawn by Nunyae, founder of the DA group known as Pizzabug Paradise


This is RedPack:
Alpha: Aqua
Beta: Midnight
Other members:
Skye and Ivy

Aqua Russia

The Forest Nation of Aqua Russia is a proud nation of FUR that I am the president of. Aqua Russia is vegan and environmentally based, along with being crime free. This is the link to my country's page on NationStates (Clickable Link).

The Dictionary of Made-Up Words

Tappy (adj.)- A mixture of tired and happy; made up by Aero
Art Blub (n.)- An art club where you draw Blobfish; made up by Colress
Funderstorm (n.)- A storm of fun; made up by NavyWolf, Narnia, and Card (A special credit request from Narnia)
Accompliment(n.)- A compliment given to someone who made an accomplishment; made up by Snowflakepuppywings
Requestion (n.)- A request for a question; made up by Snowflakepuppywings


Skye's monarch butterfly buddy, Ivy MUST be included with whatever is drawn of her.

Spirit does not yet have a ref.
This is Joey.

Pose Credits

The detective pose was done by PawProductions
The plushie pose was done by Kat
The figure skating pose was drawn and colored by SaphiraWolf with the hair added by Amphitrite with permission.
The flying pose was drawn and colored by Battykoda13
Aqua gymnastic backhand spring pose was drawn and colored by Nunyae
The pose of Aqua drinking a milkshake was drawn and colored by my SecretSanta
The pose of Aqua cuddling with the rabbit was drawn by Chi-Lali from DA and self-colored
The pose of Aqua with her tail curled and huge, adorable eyes was drawn and colored by Aronixen
The pose of Aqua running from the cops (matches with Batty's) was drawn and colored by Battykoda13
Aqua's long hair pose was drawn by Lintegrisse and Self-Colored
Aqua's graduation pose was drawn by Kat and Self-Colored
Aqua's Butterfly Pose was drawn by Escaboo and Self-Colored
Aqua's waffle pose was drawn and colored by PawProductions
Aqua's puzzle pose (matches Snickers') was drawn and colored by Battykoda13

Howls (1919)

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BlackWolf 6 years, 3 months ago
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TsunamiTheWolf 6 years, 4 months ago
ayyyyyy :D
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AquaStar35077 6 years, 4 months ago
Ayyyyy!!! Thanks, Tsunami!!! :D
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Bigfeetkay 6 years, 7 months ago
hi buddy can I request some help with something?
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AquaStar35077 6 years, 7 months ago
Np ;)
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Bigfeetkay 6 years, 7 months ago
Hey, it’s Thursday;-;
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AquaStar35077 6 years, 7 months ago
Sorry; I've been really busy with work and stuff
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RedVenom 7 years, 1 month ago
you're one scary person
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RedVenom 7 years, 1 month ago
your innocence is terrifying.
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AquaStar35077 7 years, 1 month ago
Totally is, I am in complete agreement
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RedVenom 7 years, 1 month ago
i c
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BlackWolf 7 years, 1 month ago
come back to the roomssssssss
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AquaStar35077 7 years, 1 month ago
Sorry, I was really tired XD
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BlackWolf 7 years, 1 month ago
lmao thats fine :3
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do you have a DA ? Ill draw your character-
also for the dictionary-Drawest - A request for someone to draw something for you
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AquaStar35077 7 years, 4 months ago
That's ok ^^ I very much appreciate it! If I could draw I'd make something for you XD but the best I can offer is pasting some characters of yours or ones that you like into a background
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Maskquerade 7 years, 3 months ago
:00 really ? ? :D
Could you do my bb Sausage ? x3
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AquaStar35077 7 years, 3 months ago
Yeah!! Just send me a background for me to put them into! Also I am excited to see Aqua!! Thanks again!!
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Dirge Of Dreams 7 years, 4 months ago
Hey, been forever. :0
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AquaStar35077 7 years, 4 months ago
Hi! And it has! How've you been?
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Dirge Of Dreams 7 years, 4 months ago
Well, I had surgery a couple days ago, so I'm feeling pretty bleh at the moment. Things are okay though.
How about you?
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AquaStar35077 7 years, 4 months ago
I see and understand, well hopefully the surgery made it better, and hopefully you feel better, soon! And that's good! I'm fine, thanks!!
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snowflakepuppywings 7 years, 5 months ago
Requestion- Request for a question

Idk this was a type of mine XD
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AquaStar35077 7 years, 5 months ago
It's great XD I'll add it when I get home. Thanks!!
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We traveled to see the total eclipse, and wow, nothing compares to totality! And the diamond ring effect was truly spectacular! (Photo credit to my cousin who went with us, and a short video of part of the eclipse obviously won't upload to Wolfing. Video credit also to her) 2 minutes and 13 seconds of totality
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SoulTheDark 7 years, 6 months ago
Reminds me of an eyeball
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AquaStar35077 7 years, 6 months ago
lol I can "see" that!
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SoulTheDark 7 years, 6 months ago
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AquaStar35077 7 years, 7 months ago
Our sweet Jackie Boy
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snowflakepuppywings 7 years, 7 months ago
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TheAshyCanine 7 years, 7 months ago
Ahhh so cute :O
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AquaStar35077 7 years, 7 months ago
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