Afia's Profile
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Gender: Female Age: unknown Country: , California Join Date: 24 Jul 2016, 2:55pm (8 years, 7 months ago) Last Seen: 19 Sep 2016, 9:00am (8 years, 5 months ago) |
About Afia:
Expandable Content/Spoiler
Expandable Content/Spoiler
"Very darling isn't it?"
"My alias means beauty."
~Four years~
"I made it to four years."
"It's rather charming and a delicate work."
"Not to bad honestly I spare my time surveying."
Canis Lupus
"Im a wolf itself."
"Oh I have a lovely section of a female. Dare winder an eye, I'm snapping your neck."
"Soon to venture my ways."
"So seeds haven't been spawned."
"I havent shared my luring adventures yet."
"I may seem to have feelings for you but im very charming lets say."
✖Likes In XY'S✖
- Charming
"What can I say, these are my expectations."
-Lacking cares
"You'll have zero chances with me if your these around me."
✖Charms- Positives+Negatives✖
Often vulgar she is know for her obnoxious devious vibe. She apply's her naughty attitude onto anyone female, male anyone. She doesn't care honestly, ignoring the responses she does what she wants, and will do it.
The madam flirts meaningless with many males. She knows her limits often using this to lure males in pairs to strain revenge onto there mates or soon lover.
Her ambition crams into the tiny speck of skull she beholds, her wits advancement concludes fairly as one of a premature cub. She is prideful of her winnings and boast loudly in announcement to do so, with non hesitation.
Petite her ego bowls her pride she will ultimately punish those who threatens this so. With no feeling she will even kill those who ignore her attempts.
Trained in classes proper she must know how to adjust her command when she will rule her kingdom fairly. So she learns this dwelling very clear when so.
Fairly average her behavior restrains this area due to her age, progressiveness this will lower as she ages.
She has grown tolerant of everyone she affiliates with and easily picks up onto there behavior. Rare in her case due to knowledge and age, she tamed her will to do this.
Placid the cub is clearly calm i her ratings compared to her jubilant siblings. She rather keeps mute and away from commotion.
Silence keys her behavior hardly and rarely she ever is. And if so, something is physically, emotionally, verbally wrong.
The madam is curious and wonder at every slight flinch in the earth and others. She uses her observations to advance her wit for later.
For her tune she rambles and often over speaks everyone that speaks if she is ticked she various this and bowls her thunder to grab attention.
Her creeping vibe adjust her mysterious immediately when others confront her. Silent at once, to be bolting wrecking your crest into the dirt.
Her adrift lure speaks in ill silence and hushes when she wavers among her comrades similar keen to a phantom.
Her terse side is tender and often found by personal issues w/others or herself. Non the less she is charismatic and motherly to every lion she come across.
The tempest is often blunt and rash when it comes to reality itself. Hesitation she doesn't halt to anyone at this.
When a newcomer appeals to her she asserts her dominance by warning them as she soon swells lowering from this state she lowers into a mellow docile state .
Due to her extent and rank non ca touch her, to her she is immortal. And will forger remain, she is a devious demon and annihilates all those to extract fear into those dwindling her strengths for 'fun' rand pleasure to assure her dominance.
A savage she is titled. And very keen to her name she is known for treachery. When in ambush or threat, she allows them to look up her vocabulary and find out how serious she deals business. Known closely she takes laws of the mob and clings them into hers. Climaxing there limits and violations to any she will kill. With no ache she describes it as a pest'.
Oh she dwells this smite into anyone she trails along. Her bitter tang of lips stain brutally with sheer personals she bites out more with her bark advance.
Her knowledge basis observant keenly at every flinch in spasms of muscles. She uses her wit against her partners in spar, or just a daily basis. Witness and feeling this she will ultimately use her wit out of most.
Her persona strives eagerly for the best in happiness of those and others. Pushing her limit she goes over board and reaches her hyped outgoing persona.
"I'd say im quite reckless and outrageous."
~Light Oak Wood~Water Mist~Tall Grass
"I guess I smell Like a lake."
✖ Statics✖
Speed 7.4/10
Combat 9.9/10
Hunting 9.7/10
Swimming 8/10
Tree Climbing 6.3/10
Intelligence 10/10
Eye sight 9/10
Hearing 9.1/10
"Very skilled. And Damn well, I can prove it."
The hound beheld a wielded whip of ghostly alabaster to thee duchess foreground. The maidens tips and neb dipped with a hiwing glow of flushed rose. A tad coaxing the individuals spurrs, and the finned whip. Streaking massive citrus orbs max her dynamics stature conceited at her eyes when visualizing. As to those a'round "They are luring..." She agrees well with her own features she'd say there "Pulchritude.- Prime markings.."
"Aren't I a dear to see?"
Merissa Rickords~ WS18st Los TinyLocos X TINY LOCOS SUREÑOS 13 A-TOWN SUR X3 ~ Lil Mama~ "Before you take a look at my face, I'll have my goons sicked on you. Say something I don't like your gone."
~Panther is my R.M~ FULLERTON CALI~TokersTown Big Chino is respected~ Streets have been loyalty more than the familial has~ Los Angles raised~ CALI Deadliest~ Andy FernandoManny Cortez~Compton Bred~ Arabic Tradition~ Adam,Jahir,Max,hacemos, Brandon, Iliene,Shivan,Ashley are my krew~
"It was to late. Before I could be saved blood stained my fingers while the glock had dropped to ground. Blood drowning a pool seeped into the layers of my face. I knew it was to late, the game has engulfed me before I knew my own innocence. My Love on the ground his face pale and clenching my hand while he slowly faded away. His hand loosening on his grip I pulled free seeing his blood covering my hands and chest. tears led over with anger, and loath to the enemy. A friend, a lover with a hole in his chest... gone into the gates of heaven."
Frankie Rohas 6/17/19
Frank , mi amor u me quería como a un esposo y me protegió de peleas . Me he acostumbrado a olvidar mi amor u ... a pesar de que se han ido ahora y no veo u Aún veo a envolver u ur brazos alrededor de mí con un fuerte abrazo. Nos vemos en el frankie extremo y cuando nos encontramos con que voy a volver a prosperar como la luna brilla en nuestras caras . Lejos de los monstruos del mal de la noche ... ~Lil Mama
~More Informatiion~
-TinyLocos Female Leader Of Orange County
- Ashley Ortiz Recruited by me and issued t 2nd female leader
-I will not listen to any drama of your if I listen I mean buisness and that is someones getting a hit on
-Fullerton TokersTown Big Chino President Is my Allegiance Respected
-I will make myself very clear. I dont repeat nothing now. Miss you miss, then you fuck up and get hurt.
-Never have given an f* to your opinion
-Ashley is loyalty to blood
-Dubai trip is over I am back In Cali
-I quit Chatlands Known as xVirulent, Afia, bAByQueen
-Al Calpone on chatlands Is Andy I've have been taken by him to the game
-Manny Cortez is my other love
-Frankie Rohas was my ex spouse
-My love to my sisters Angel and jocylyn
"Very darling isn't it?"
"My alias means beauty."
~Four years~
"I made it to four years."
"It's rather charming and a delicate work."
"Not to bad honestly I spare my time surveying."
Canis Lupus
"Im a wolf itself."
"Oh I have a lovely section of a female. Dare winder an eye, I'm snapping your neck."
"Soon to venture my ways."
"So seeds haven't been spawned."
"I havent shared my luring adventures yet."
"I may seem to have feelings for you but im very charming lets say."
✖Likes In XY'S✖
- Charming
"What can I say, these are my expectations."
-Lacking cares
"You'll have zero chances with me if your these around me."
✖Charms- Positives+Negatives✖
Often vulgar she is know for her obnoxious devious vibe. She apply's her naughty attitude onto anyone female, male anyone. She doesn't care honestly, ignoring the responses she does what she wants, and will do it.
The madam flirts meaningless with many males. She knows her limits often using this to lure males in pairs to strain revenge onto there mates or soon lover.
Her ambition crams into the tiny speck of skull she beholds, her wits advancement concludes fairly as one of a premature cub. She is prideful of her winnings and boast loudly in announcement to do so, with non hesitation.
Petite her ego bowls her pride she will ultimately punish those who threatens this so. With no feeling she will even kill those who ignore her attempts.
Trained in classes proper she must know how to adjust her command when she will rule her kingdom fairly. So she learns this dwelling very clear when so.
Fairly average her behavior restrains this area due to her age, progressiveness this will lower as she ages.
She has grown tolerant of everyone she affiliates with and easily picks up onto there behavior. Rare in her case due to knowledge and age, she tamed her will to do this.
Placid the cub is clearly calm i her ratings compared to her jubilant siblings. She rather keeps mute and away from commotion.
Silence keys her behavior hardly and rarely she ever is. And if so, something is physically, emotionally, verbally wrong.
The madam is curious and wonder at every slight flinch in the earth and others. She uses her observations to advance her wit for later.
For her tune she rambles and often over speaks everyone that speaks if she is ticked she various this and bowls her thunder to grab attention.
Her creeping vibe adjust her mysterious immediately when others confront her. Silent at once, to be bolting wrecking your crest into the dirt.
Her adrift lure speaks in ill silence and hushes when she wavers among her comrades similar keen to a phantom.
Her terse side is tender and often found by personal issues w/others or herself. Non the less she is charismatic and motherly to every lion she come across.
The tempest is often blunt and rash when it comes to reality itself. Hesitation she doesn't halt to anyone at this.
When a newcomer appeals to her she asserts her dominance by warning them as she soon swells lowering from this state she lowers into a mellow docile state .
Due to her extent and rank non ca touch her, to her she is immortal. And will forger remain, she is a devious demon and annihilates all those to extract fear into those dwindling her strengths for 'fun' rand pleasure to assure her dominance.
A savage she is titled. And very keen to her name she is known for treachery. When in ambush or threat, she allows them to look up her vocabulary and find out how serious she deals business. Known closely she takes laws of the mob and clings them into hers. Climaxing there limits and violations to any she will kill. With no ache she describes it as a pest'.
Oh she dwells this smite into anyone she trails along. Her bitter tang of lips stain brutally with sheer personals she bites out more with her bark advance.
Her knowledge basis observant keenly at every flinch in spasms of muscles. She uses her wit against her partners in spar, or just a daily basis. Witness and feeling this she will ultimately use her wit out of most.
Her persona strives eagerly for the best in happiness of those and others. Pushing her limit she goes over board and reaches her hyped outgoing persona.
"I'd say im quite reckless and outrageous."
~Light Oak Wood~Water Mist~Tall Grass
"I guess I smell Like a lake."
✖ Statics✖
Speed 7.4/10
Combat 9.9/10
Hunting 9.7/10
Swimming 8/10
Tree Climbing 6.3/10
Intelligence 10/10
Eye sight 9/10
Hearing 9.1/10
"Very skilled. And Damn well, I can prove it."
The hound beheld a wielded whip of ghostly alabaster to thee duchess foreground. The maidens tips and neb dipped with a hiwing glow of flushed rose. A tad coaxing the individuals spurrs, and the finned whip. Streaking massive citrus orbs max her dynamics stature conceited at her eyes when visualizing. As to those a'round "They are luring..." She agrees well with her own features she'd say there "Pulchritude.- Prime markings.."
"Aren't I a dear to see?"
Expandable Content/Spoiler
Merissa Rickords~ WS18st Los TinyLocos X TINY LOCOS SUREÑOS 13 A-TOWN SUR X3 ~ Lil Mama~ "Before you take a look at my face, I'll have my goons sicked on you. Say something I don't like your gone."
~Panther is my R.M~ FULLERTON CALI~TokersTown Big Chino is respected~ Streets have been loyalty more than the familial has~ Los Angles raised~ CALI Deadliest~ Andy FernandoManny Cortez~Compton Bred~ Arabic Tradition~ Adam,Jahir,Max,hacemos, Brandon, Iliene,Shivan,Ashley are my krew~
"It was to late. Before I could be saved blood stained my fingers while the glock had dropped to ground. Blood drowning a pool seeped into the layers of my face. I knew it was to late, the game has engulfed me before I knew my own innocence. My Love on the ground his face pale and clenching my hand while he slowly faded away. His hand loosening on his grip I pulled free seeing his blood covering my hands and chest. tears led over with anger, and loath to the enemy. A friend, a lover with a hole in his chest... gone into the gates of heaven."
Frankie Rohas 6/17/19
Frank , mi amor u me quería como a un esposo y me protegió de peleas . Me he acostumbrado a olvidar mi amor u ... a pesar de que se han ido ahora y no veo u Aún veo a envolver u ur brazos alrededor de mí con un fuerte abrazo. Nos vemos en el frankie extremo y cuando nos encontramos con que voy a volver a prosperar como la luna brilla en nuestras caras . Lejos de los monstruos del mal de la noche ... ~Lil Mama
~More Informatiion~
-TinyLocos Female Leader Of Orange County
- Ashley Ortiz Recruited by me and issued t 2nd female leader
-I will not listen to any drama of your if I listen I mean buisness and that is someones getting a hit on
-Fullerton TokersTown Big Chino President Is my Allegiance Respected
-I will make myself very clear. I dont repeat nothing now. Miss you miss, then you fuck up and get hurt.
-Never have given an f* to your opinion
-Ashley is loyalty to blood
-Dubai trip is over I am back In Cali
-I quit Chatlands Known as xVirulent, Afia, bAByQueen
-Al Calpone on chatlands Is Andy I've have been taken by him to the game
-Manny Cortez is my other love
-Frankie Rohas was my ex spouse
-My love to my sisters Angel and jocylyn
Howls (4)
TsunamiTheWolf 8 years, 7 months ago
Welcome to wolfing hun' wish ya the best of luck ^w^ you can click reply to reply to other people's howls have fun ^w^ oh, also, if you need anything come find me ^w^