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4 May 2018 03:00 AM Posted by: Spy

The Event Committee: Applications CLOSED!Views: 1618

The Event Committee

What is the ‘Event Committee’?
The Event Committee is a team built of current and former Wolfing Leaders, along with members of the community, who have a passion for organising and hosting events. The role of an Event Committee member is to suggest, discuss, plan and execute future events for Wolfing, as well as listen to suggestions and feedback from the community. The Event Committee is not a part of the Wolfing Leaders. Members will not have on-site powers nor a coloured name. However, all public Event Committee members will receive a badge for their contribution! The team was created based off of multiple suggestions given by Wolfing users over the past couple of years.

Who are the current active members of the Event Committee?

Not all members of the Event Committee are listed publicly.

How can I become a member of the Event Committee?
Users who are interested in becoming a part of the Event Committee will be required to go through an short application process to join the team. Applications will be open to the public and typically remain open for one week. Certain requirements must be met to be considered for the team. Applications will be announced in a news post with further information. The Event Committee team will review all submitted applications and select who is accepted from the batch.


Applications are currently CLOSED. Below you can read about the requirements that must be met to join the Event Committee when applications reopen.

When applications are open, we look for dedicated users who are enthusiastic about creating events to join our team! You must meet the requirements below to be considered for the Event Committee:

In order to qualify for the Event Committee, the following criteria are required:
- You must be 13 years of age (exceptions can be made for those who turn 13 one month after the applications open).
- You must be a Delta in order to join the team.
- You must be able to speak English fluently.
- Few to no previous records are preferred.

If selected, you must be able to do the following:
- Be fairly active within the community and be ready to take on their suggestions and feedback in regard to events.
- Be communicable and fairly easy to reach.
- Be able to participate in discussion and debates.
- Be a team player and be able to work with a group.
- You must know that you have the time to commit to helping your teammates work on event organisation.
- Understand that while you are not a member of the Wolfing Leaders, your behaviour must be of an acceptable standard and in line with the Pack Terms.

This is NOT a staff position. You will not have any powers on-site nor access to any Wolfing Leader related information if you are selected. Being a part of the Event Committee does not give you permission to mini-mod. A position on the Event Committee in no way equals a position on the Wolfing Leader team in the future, nor does it give an advantage.

Applications tend to be open for ONE WEEK. After the period of taking applications, the Event Committee will review the applications and private message (PM) the possible candidates with further instructions. Only possible candidates will receive a PM.

If you have further questions, feel free to leave a comment, or contact either Aqua, Niconi, pittoo or Spy directly.

The Event Committee

Howls (7)

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Aqua 6 years, 9 months ago
pit and Serinity were selected to join the Event Committee from our first round of applications! Congratulations to them both. If you did not make it this time round do not feel discouraged, there will be more opportunities to apply for the Event Committee in the future.
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Aqua 6 years, 10 months ago
Applications are now closed! We will be reading and discussing all applications over the next while. Make sure to keep an eye on your inbox if you have applied. Good luck!
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Serinity 6 years, 10 months ago
Finally. <3
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EmilyHeywood 6 years, 10 months ago
good luck everyone!!
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pittoo 6 years, 10 months ago
good luck!! excited to work with those picked!
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Niconi 6 years, 10 months ago
Good luck everyone!
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Spy 6 years, 10 months ago
Good luck!!