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What's news on Wolfing?

2 April 2014 11:46 AM Posted by: WolfKodi

Images and More Features for CommentsViews: 882

I've added more features for comments. The most prominent being the ability to attach and display images directly in comments. Profile owners are now given the control to remove any comment they see fit that were posted on their profiles.

Image attachments adds a whole new dimension to the appearance of comments from plain text to vibrant photographs and intriguing artworks. I find the upload feature handy because I can take images directly from a mobile device and share them instantly without the need to connect and transfer pictures from my phone to my computer. Speaking of which, I really need to do that sometime because phone is running out of storage space.

If you were to head over to your profile and hover your mouse over any comment posted by others, you will find an option to remove them. I decided that the granting profile owners the remove option provides a more proactive approach in the management of user comments. Users do not need to approach and wait for a moderator, instead they can act upon the comment instantly.

When a user deletes their own comment or remove a comment posted on their profile, their deleted/removed state will lingerer around as a faint notice for 24 hours and 1 week, respectively. This is a grace period to inform other users about such removal and for the person to undo their action should they decide to. After these periods, the comment will be out of sight and trace forever.

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