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What's news on Wolfing?

9 November 2015 07:43 AM Posted by: WolfKodi

Major Custom Pose System UpdateViews: 4079

What happened to my custom poses?

The custom pose system has gone through a major update for more features including the support for a separate left pose image on top of an existing right pose image. A more systematic process has been developed to guide users in the creation and use of poses. In order to take advantage of the new custom pose system, you are required to move your existing poses over to the new system in order to be able to use them.

How to transfer your existing poses to the new system

If you had custom poses before this new update, they can be be displayed by clicking on the "View Old Custom Poses" button on your "Edit Wolf/Pose" page. You are given download links for each of your pose along with its name and size for your reference. To add poses to the new custom pose system, use the "Edit Custom Poses" button and then use the "Add Custom Pose" button to add poses to the new system. Remember to use the "Save Changes" button at the bottom of that page for the changes to take effect.

What's new in the custom pose system?

As before, you are required to upload a right pose image. However, you can optionally specify a different left pose image for characters that have non-symmetrical body features or for poses that contain text. A left pose image should be different from the right pose image, aside from it being horizontally flipped. Otherwise, leave the left pose out. Additionally, there are three new fields associated with each pose - Species, Artwork Type, and Permission Statement.

Artwork types or sources

There are five artwork types to categorise poses, each with examples listed below:
  1. Original - You drew a pose completely by yourself.
  2. Reusable - You drew this pose and coloured it, but you also share the lineart of this pose with others.
  3. Edited - You found a lineart that wasn't created by you and coloured it to the colours of your own character.
  4. Original Given - Someone drew a pose for you or you did an art trade with someone or you requested/commissioned this pose.
  5. Edited Given - A friend coloured a lineart and based it upon the colour and markings of your character for you.

Permission statement

Followed closely behind artwork type is a short description of where you obtained the artwork from. If you drew the artwork by yourself (artwork type "Original" and "Reusable"), this statement is optional, especially if you have written it once, explaining where some of your existing artworks can be found for reference if you have one. For artwork types "Edited", "Original Given", and "Edited Given", a permission statement is required. You must state who the artist is or where you got the drawing from. You can provide proof that you have permission to use it with a link. If permission was given in a form of a private message, you can choose to screenshot it.

Rejected poses

Once in a while, especially when you're new to the pose rules, you may see one or several of your poses being rejected on your "Edit Wolf/Pose" page. Do not be alarmed as in most cases we need you to fix something minor about the pose such as uncropped or incorrectly flipped poses or we may need you to add additional permission statement information. All you have to do is edit or fix that pose and click on the "Save Changes" button below. This would change the status of that pose to "Appeal" and you would have to wait until it is approved before you can use it.

Custom Pose Points

A point system for custom poses is introduced to limit the rate users can swap pose images, reduce pose rule violations and art theft, and increase appreciation and add value to custom poses. Adding a new custom pose or changing the image of an existing custom pose requires 1 custom pose point. An exception applies when changing the image of a rejected custom pose as an appeal. For users with existing custom poses before the update, they are given 30 custom pose points as compensation to complete their pose transfer. From this new update onwards, when a Pup turns into a Delta, they would be rewarded with 5 points. Every following day that a user visits Wolfing, they will be given one 1 additional point provided that their points are less than 10. A custom pose point is also known as one "Wupo", which is loosely derived from the words "Wolfing" and "Pose".

Howls (32)

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Cloudybxbe 5 years, 10 months ago
i see no "Custom Pose" button, help!?!?!?
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tasnim 5 years, 11 months ago
how should i crop a pose?
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PhantomRoyal 6 years, 1 month ago
I just joined where do I find the "add poses" or whatever its called
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jill127-Chan 6 years, 11 months ago
So..I have this pose I wanna use, but when I upload it, it says it needs to be cropped....I would need to crop out an irregular shape, but I can't do that because every online image editing thing says I either have to sign up for it or download it or it doesn't have an irregular shape crop option. if it does it is probably one I have to sign up for or download...I do not want to sign up or download something I will only use once, and I don't want to download random stuff anyways....anyone have any advice on how I can get this pose cropped enough that it gets accepted? :(
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Lyan 8 years, 1 month ago
And also, why don't we get our pose points back if we delete a pose? At least get a pose point back after we delete every other pose?
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Lyan 8 years, 1 month ago
I have a few ideas for Wolfing:
1. We should be able to trade and gift poses
2. We can buy pose points
3. We can earn pose points by doing certain activities or maybe you guys should reward the people who you never have trouble with
4. Everyone should be rewarded like 3 pose points every month, but still one pose point every day, because a lot of us love coloring poses and having them. It's just really fun
5. We should be able to give pose points.
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lilkittywitty 7 years, 11 months ago
Thats a good idea! I would suggest that happen too, great suggestion!
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Akarie 8 years, 3 months ago
I don't agree with this new update...
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Akarie 8 years, 3 months ago
Can you make the point limit at least 20 or 30?
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NeverLand 8 years, 3 months ago
i want to upload a pose from my tablet. it has transparency, but it said file type not allowed. what does it mean?!
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WolfKodi 8 years, 3 months ago
Did you upload a GIF image? Only PNGs are accepted.
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I don't like how when you go to edit a pose, it takes away a point. I had to use two or three points to edit a couple poses just because I forgot to flip them (and no, they weren't rejected). At this rate, some people who might forget to flip will waste a point just to fix it.
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Kat 8 years, 4 months ago
That's alright because when you get to 10 points you'll start receiving them again every day.
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MaxTheWolf 8 years, 6 months ago
just being honest, i don't really like this update because i have no idea where several of my poses came from, i don't even remember, cant find the permission statement, or the person who drew it/colored it doesn't even come on here anymore     

lost all of my poses....................... yay..................                                                                                                                                                               
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Kat 8 years, 5 months ago
You can tell us in an appeal or while uploading a pose that you honestly and frankly do not remember where they come from and we can try and search them up for you.
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